A listing of recent Commerce Department antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted on CBP's website Dec. 27, along with the case number(s) and CBP message number, is provided below. The messages are available by searching for the listed CBP message number at CBP's ADCVD Search page.
Provide at least 120 days for new data requirements on Russian-caught fish, the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America asked CBP in its comments on new requirements for data submissions to help the government enforce its ban on the importation of Russian-harvested fish.
CBP created Harmonized System Update 2420 on Dec. 27, containing 5,459 Automated Broker Interface (ABI) records and 905 Harmonized Tariff Schedule Records, according to a Dec. 27 cargo systems message.
CBP issued the following releases on commercial trade and related matters:
A listing of recent Commerce Department antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted on CBP's website Dec. 26, along with the case number(s) and CBP message number, is provided below. The messages are available by searching for the listed CBP message number at CBP's ADCVD Search page.
CBP has released its Dec. 25 Customs Bulletin (Vo. 58, No. 51). It contains:
CBP “plans to continue discussions” with the trade about an agency proposal to create an ACE portal for small importers, a CBP spokesperson said this week. Mentioned in a report released ahead of the Dec. 11 meeting of the Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee, the proposal is “one of several ACE 2.0 operational scenarios developed by CBP” that are “being reviewed with COAC to inform early planning decisions for ACE 2.0,” the spokesperson said. The COAC report didn’t provide any further detail on the small importer portal beyond the fact that it was discussed in a “single issue call” with the relevant working group. The CBP spokesperson declined to provide additional details.
DHS Homeland Security Investigations' congressional engagement led to the introduction of bills that would:
CBP has moved up the target date for when the agency expects to deploy an enhancement that could affect facilities handling low-value Section 321 shipments.
CBP issued the following releases on commercial trade and related matters: