CBP's Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee will be holding its quarterly meeting on March 5 in Atlanta, according to a Federal Register notice.
CBP issued the following releases on commercial trade and related matters:
Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., one of the leading voices in the House to end de minimis for e-commerce, said she wants President Donald Trump to remove all e-commerce from de minimis, so that it goes back to its original purpose of covering tourists' purchases. Given international direct-to-consumer shipping, "It’s become a vast gap in our customs regime," she said, causing a "flood of impossibly low-priced products that put American manufacturers out of business," and making it "almost impossible to enforce the ban on goods made with forced labor."
President Donald Trump's chief spokesman from his first term said that half-baked orders from the White House -- like an order to end de minimis for Chinese goods that CBP was not ready to implement -- is in part a result of Trump's memories of his staff trying to slow-walk and stop his tariff ideas.
International Trade Today is providing readers with the top stories from last week in case they were missed. All articles can be found by searching on the titles or by clicking on the hyperlinked reference number.
Suspension of liquidation and countervailing duty cash deposit requirements take effect Feb. 10 for imports of corrosion-resistant steel products from Brazil (C-351-863), Canada (C-122-872), Mexico (C-201-864) and Vietnam (C-552-844), after the Commerce Department found countervailable subsidization in preliminary determinations in its ongoing CVD investigations.
CBP issued the following releases on commercial trade and related matters:
CBP said it no longer will allow for retroactive treatment for products made in China and Hong Kong that came in after the administration's Feb. 5 executive order temporarily reinstating de minimis, according to a Federal Register notice. The order wasn't publicly announced until Feb. 7 (see 2502070052).
The Commerce Department is amending the original final results of its countervailing duty administrative review on certain new pneumatic off-the-road tires from India (C-533-870) to correct ministerial errors in the calculation of the duty rates for two mandatory respondents and companies not selected for individual review. The agency calculated new CVD cash deposit rates for the 29 companies under review, with slight changes to the original final calculations. These amended final results, effective Feb. 10, will be used to set final assessments of CVD on importers for entries during calendar year 2022.
Duty-free de minimis treatment is available for Chinese-origin goods again, but only until "notification by the Secretary of Commerce to the President that adequate systems are in place to fully and expediently process and collect tariff revenue for all Chinese products," the White House said in an amendment to its Feb. 1 executive order on China tariffs.