Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Sen. Jon Ossoff, D-Ga., joined by 15 members of the Florida House delegation, Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., and four House members from Georgia, asked the U.S. trade representative for an update on a private sector industry advisory panel of Southeastern fruit and vegetable producers.
The fifth negotiating round for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework will be held Sept. 10-16 in Thailand, the administration announced Aug. 10. The supply chains chapter is complete, but negotiators will be talking about trade issues, the green transition and anticorruption matters. The U.S. delegation is led by Sharon Yuan, a counselor at Commerce, and Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Sarah Ellerman, whose portfolio is Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jayme White said that during his meeting with Mexico's undersecretary of economy for foreign trade, Alejandro Encinas, he "underscored the need to address the recent surge of Mexican steel and aluminum exports to the United States in accordance with the 2019 Joint Statement by the United States and Mexico on Section 232 Duties on Steel and Aluminum, and ensuring greater transparency with regard to Mexico’s steel and aluminum imports from third countries."
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is requesting comments on how Russia is complying with its World Trade Organization commitments, including in its import regulation, export regulation, subsidies, non-tariff barriers, intellectual property rights enforcement, rule of law issues, and trade facilitation, or other issues.
More than 230 environmental groups sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai asking her to seek climate peace clauses as she talks with the EU, countries participating in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and countries in the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity.
House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman Adrian Smith, R-Neb., said he intends to co-sponsor a renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and said he believes the appetite in Congress is "strong" to act before the summer of 2025. AGOA expires Sept. 30, 2025.
Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America's Sheep Committee petitioned U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to begin a safeguard investigation, and they say they want Congress to create a tariff rate quota for lamb and mutton, with the goal of domestic producers achieving a 50% market share by the 10th year of the TRQ.
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative senior advisers Jamila Thompson and Beth Baltzan and special counsel Victor Ban said during a recent trip to Wyoming, Montana and Idaho that workers they heard from want the office to increase the use of enforcement tools in the USMCA.
After a complaint from Casa Obrera del Bajio, a Mexican labor organization in Guanajuato state, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is asking Mexico to review whether workers at the Grupo Yakazi factory there were denied rights to freedom of association because of irregularities during the workers' vote in March on whether to retain the union that had been representing them.
A House bill to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling for beef diverges from the Senate COOL bill (see 2301310026), which asks the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to develop a method to reinstate mandatory COOL that is compliant with the World Trade Organization.