U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a set of responses to 18 "technical" frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to the Sea Automated Manifest System (AMS) Special Bill process (the new non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) and Master vessel operating common carrier (VOCC) bill types).
The Commerce Department's Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) has issued its November 2003 Textiles and Apparel Import Report, which includes statistics on general imports (both quota and non-quota) of cotton, wool, man-made fiber, silk blend, and non-cotton vegetable fiber textiles and apparel.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has made available on its Web site an updated document on the U.S./Canada Free and Secure Trade (FAST) program.
The International Trade Administration (ITA) has issued its preliminary results of the following antidumping (AD) duty administrative reviews:
The Winter 2003 issue of the NCBFAA Quarterly Bulletin contains an article that states that miscellaneous tariff and trade bills are no longer routine, are not predictable, and may not even be possible. The article notes that such bills have increasingly become the vehicle for solving larger, tougher trade and economic issues that have nothing to do with the tedious technical language of miscellaneous tariff and trade bills. (NBFAA Quarterly Bulletin, No. 103-4, Winter 2003, www.ncbfaa.org.)
Broker Power has listed the 2004 general (column 1) duty rates for certain knit and crocheted apparel that is subject to a silk blend (SB) and/or non-cotton vegetable fiber (NCVF) category number.
The European Union (EU) is requesting World Trade Organization (WTO) authorization to apply retaliatory sanctions against the U.S. for its failure to bring the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 (Byrd Amendment) into conformity with WTO rules by December 27, 2003. The EU states that this deadline for compliance with the WTO Appellate Body's ruling passed without action from U.S. Congress to repeal the measure.
(a) For previously reviewed or investigated companies not listed above, the cash deposit rate will be the company-specific rate established for the most recent period.
The International Trade Administration (ITA) has issued a press release on its remand determination in response to a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Panel's decision regarding the final determination in the countervailing (CV) duty investigation on softwood lumber from Canada (C-122-839).
On January 14, 2004, the International Trade Commission (ITC) issued a news release on its preliminary negative antidumping (AD) injury determination stating that there is no reasonable indication that a U.S. industry is materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of ready-to-cook kosher chicken and parts thereof from Canada.