CBP will move forward with its two-track filing system for Section 321 entries in ACE, creating a new option to clear shipments via entry type 86 in the Automated Broker Interface while still allowing clearance off manifest in the Automated Manifest System, it said in a May 22 announcement of priority areas for $30 million in additional ACE development funding it received in appropriations legislation. As expected by some in industry (see 1802130035), the ABI option will be optional for filers but required for entries with partner government agency (PGA) data, CBP said.
CBP will begin enforcing entry requirements on container residue on Nov. 25, and is launching a pilot on the same date that will allow for simplified “residue entries,” it said in a notice set for publication in the Aug. 27 Federal Register. To qualify for residue entry, the residue must fall under thresholds for weight or volume, and must not have any commercial value. Residue entries will be released under modified procedures for low value shipments. Participation in the pilot is not required. All may participate in the pilot and file residue entries, and those that don’t will have to enter container residue under normal entry procedures.