The chairman of the House Select Committee on China welcomed a new report from Horizon Advisory that said the bipartisan infrastructure law and the Inflation Reduction Act have spurred investments in advanced battery production and critical minerals recycling, which "carry great promise but they will be for naught if the U.S. does not recognize and counter China's state-backed market dominance and manipulations with additional investments, stronger protective measures, and stringent enforcement mechanisms."
Four Democratic senators are asking the Treasury Department to end de minimis treatment for all e-commerce shipments, arguing that the regulations under development to restrict de minimis would not go far enough to curtail fentanyl smuggling.
Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., issued a release Oct. 25 asking his colleagues to change the law so that Kazakhstan can receive permanent normal trade relations, as Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and other former Soviet states do. Kazakhstan goods are subject to Column 1 tariffs, but that status must be renewed annually.
Virginia's and Maryland's senators, along with members of Congress from both states, asked President Joe Biden to direct the International Trade Commission to open a Section 201 investigation on harm to the Chesapeake Bay fisheries from a surge of crab meat imports from Venezuela.
Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., sent U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai a letter less than two weeks ahead of election day, asking her to quickly initiate a Section 301 investigation on Chinese support for fentanyl trafficking. Families of those who died from overdoses filed a petition last week (see 2410180039).
There has been some concern that South Africa could be removed from the African Growth and Opportunity Act beneficiary list over its government's lack of support for Ukraine after Russia invaded (see 2307120041). Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who voted against sending financial and military aid to Ukraine earlier this year, is arguing that South Africa should be booted from AGOA coverage if Taiwan's diplomatic office is closed in Pretoria. The South African government has demanded that Taiwan move its office to Johannesburg, the country's most important commercial city. Taiwan has so far refused.
The leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee asked the Government Accountability Office to produce a report on radioactive isotopes used in industrial applications and cancer treatment, many of which come from Russia.
Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., the lead sponsor of a bill to impose a 30% tariffs on Chinese drones, with a 5% escalation annually, as well as a bill banning Da-Jiang Innovations-made drones on U.S. communications infrastructure, reacted to the news that CBP is detaining DJI drones under suspicion they are made with Uyghur forced labor.
The Seafood Import Monitoring Program covers nearly half of seafood imports, but the majority of SIMP filings later audited were not compliant, frequently because the harvest weight was wrong, or there was an incomplete chain of custody.
The Government Accountability Office, in a report required by the Dodd-Frank Act to assess the effectiveness of tracing regimes for conflict minerals, found the law hasn't reduced violence in the Congo, and may have increased violence around some small gold mines.