CBP’s recent delay of some mandatory use dates for the Automated Commercial Environment elicited a sigh of relief from the trade community, but much work remains to ensure a smooth transition, said customs brokers and software developers in recent interviews. The new staged approach, with deadlines in February and July 2016, gives the trade the time it needs to successfully migrate to ACE. However, familiar problems with quota-related entry types and still-unreleased software requirements by CBP and other agencies will remain hurdles to be overcome as ACE implementation continues over the coming year.
International Trade Today is providing readers with some of the top stories for Aug. 3-7 in case they were missed.
CBP will no longer require an original signature or certified export invoice as proof for drawback claims, the agency said in a notice (here). The agency is making the change in consideration that ink signatures for original documentation or certified copies are sometimes tough to acquire, it said. The change becomes effective on Aug. 7.
CBP will target 200 “top filers” in its efforts to promote industry adoption of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) ahead of the Nov. 1 deadline for entry summary and cargo release, according to a press release issued by the Trade Support Network (TSN) following a conference held June 23-25 in Washington.
The use of a promotional model for demonstration purposes does not constitute a "permissible use" under drawback regulations, CBP said in a ruling decision (here). CBP said in the May 28 ruling, HQ H258306, that the demonstrations of Anritsu network testing devices prior to sale go beyond incidental usage and therefore does not qualify as unused merchandise. Anritsu is a Japanese manufacturer of network test and measurement equipment for the telecommunications industry.
Customs reauthorization legislation now being considered in Congress includes provisions with "little regard to the practical effectiveness of these measures or their impact on trade flows," the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America told the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees in a June 18 letter (here). "As conference discussions begin on H.R. 644, NCBFAA urges you to revisit these critical issues and address the need for balance between facilitation and enforcement so that this is a bill we can all stand behind," said the association. It's still unclear when conference negotiations to resolve differences between the House and Senate customs bills will begin (see 1506220012).
International Trade Today is providing readers with some of the top stories for June 1-5 in case they were missed.
The progress of customs legislation and the transition to the Automated Commercial Environment has drawback processes poised for some major updates, some over a decade in the making, said industry members during a June 2 panel discussion. The customs bills, now in various stages, includes a number of ideas supported by the Trade Support Network, including the elimination of rulings on drawback issues and an eight digit HTS substitution standard, said Bobby Waid, CEO of Charter Brokerage, who spoke on the panel at the American Association of Exporters and Importers conference. Recent work toward simplified process (see 1506010021) also includes potential updates to the program.
CBP recently posted its fiscal year 2014 Performance and Accountability Report (here). The 172-page document includes an update on whether CBP is meeting its objectives, financial statements, and the results of a recent audit from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General that found problems with CBP’s drawback program and single transaction bonds (see 1505060021). According to the report, CBP is not meeting its objective of 59% of cargo by value being imported into the U.S. by members of CBP trade partnership programs, with only 53.9% imported by participants. The report also says “CBP plans to complete the regulatory requirements” in FY 2015 to make Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) “mandatory for all cargo destined for the U.S.” According to the DHS regulatory agenda published in May, CBP will issue a proposed rule on ACAS in December (see 1505220006).
The government of Canada recently issued the following trade-related notices for May 29 (note that some may also be given separate headlines):