The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on Feb. 1:
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework's supply chain pillar will take effect Feb. 24, the Commerce Department announced this week. The pillar is expected to improve coordination among IPEF countries as they look to diversify supply chains, resolve logistical bottlenecks, remove obstacles to trade and more (see 2309080050).
The U.S. and the EU held the fifth meeting of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council in Washington on Jan. 30, where the two sides again committed to increasing trade and cooperating on economic security and emerging technology issues, according to a European Commission readout of the meeting. The commission said the EU and the U.S. agreed to “explore ways to facilitate trade in goods and technologies that are vital for the green transition” and strengthen approaches to investment screening, export controls, outbound investment and “dual-use innovation.”
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on Jan. 24:
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on Jan. 23:
U.S. companies can temporarily import certain controlled firearms they previously exported to Ukraine in order to service or repair them, the Bureau of Industry and Security clarified as part of a broader Russia-related final rule released Jan. 23. BIS said those firearms can be temporarily imported under License Exception RPL (Replacement of Parts and Equipment) as long as they were originally exported under a BIS license.
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on Jan. 22:
The National Marine Fisheries Service made a new comparability finding that two New Zealand fisheries have comparable marine mammal bycatch protections to U.S. fisheries, and may be listed on the agency’s List of Foreign Fisheries eligible for import into the U.S., NMFS said in a notice released Jan. 22.
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on Jan. 19:
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on Jan. 10: