The Commerce Department seeks public comments on any subsidies, including stumpage subsidies, paid by certain countries that exported softwood lumber to the U.S. July 1 through Dec. 31, 2023, it said in a notice. The Softwood Lumber Act of 2008 requires Commerce to submit a report every 180 days on any subsidy provided by nations exporting softwood lumber or softwood products to the U.S., including subsidies for stumpage. Commerce is seeking input on subsidies paid by countries whose exports composed at least 1% of total U.S. softwood imports by quantity, as classified under tariff schedule subheadings 4407.1100, 4407.1200, 4407.1300, 4407.1400 and 4407.1900, the agency said. International Trade Commission Tariff and Trade DataWeb information indicates that five countries -- Austria, Brazil, Canada, Germany and Sweden -- exported that much softwood lumber to the U.S. during that six-month period. Comments are due May 13.
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on April 9:
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on April 8:
The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register April 8 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
The U.S. and the EU will consult each other on planned action, and "may develop joint or cooperative measures to address distortionary effects on the global supply chain for legacy semiconductors," a joint statement from the ministerial meeting of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council said. Both regions are offering government incentives to produce semiconductors, but if Chinese semiconductors are still cheaper than their own, delayed projects in Ohio and Arizona could be canceled.
American and Chinese officials discussed tariffs, export controls and market access issues during the April 2-5 first meetings of the U.S.-China Commercial Issues Working Group, both countries said in readouts after the talks.
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on April 3:
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on April 2:
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on April 1:
The Foreign-Trade Zones Board issued the following notices on March 25: