The Commerce Department issued its final determinations in the antidumping duty investigations on paper shopping bags from Cambodia (A-555-002), China (A-570-152), Colombia (A-301-805), India (A-533-917), Malaysia (A-557-825), Portugal (A-471-808), Taiwan (A-583-872) and Vietnam (A-552-836). Cash deposit rates set in this final determination take effect May 24, when the notices were published in the Federal Register.
The International Trade Commission published notices in the May 23 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register May 23 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department has published the preliminary results of its antidumping duty administrative review on diffusion-annealed, nickel-plated flat-rolled steel products from Japan (A-588-869). Rates calculated in this review will be used to set assessment rates for importers of subject merchandise from the only producer/exporter remaining under review, Toyo Kohan Co., Ltd., that was entered May 1, 2022, through April 30, 2023.
The Commerce Department has released the preliminary results of its countervailing duty administrative review of pasta from Italy (C-475-819). Rates set in this review would be used to set assessments on importers from the exporters under review for subject merchandise entered during calendar year 2022.
The International Trade Commission published notices in the May 22 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register May 22 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
Comments on the scope of ongoing antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on aluminum extrusions from China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam are now due June 5, said the Commerce Department in a notice released May 22 amending the scope of its CVD investigations to align it with changes adopted in its AD preliminary determinations (see 2405070079), and also extending the comment deadline. Rebuttal comments will then be due June 12.
The Commerce Department issued notices in the Federal Register on its recently initiated antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on high chrome cast iron grinding media from India (A-533-930/C-533-931). The AD investigation covers entries April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024, and the CVD investigation covers entries Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2023.
The International Trade Commission published notices in the May 21 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):