In its first step toward implementing the WTO's findings in three zeroing disputes, the International Trade Administration issued the preliminary results of its section 129 proceedings to recalculate, pursuant to the USTR's instructions, the antidumping cash deposit rates currently in effect for certain companies whose merchandise is subject to 8 AD duty orders on certain products originating from the European Union and Japan. The ITA has preliminarily found AD cash deposit rates of zero for 25 companies, and found reduced AD rates for 7 companies (one company’s rate is unchanged1). These preliminary AD cash deposit rates are not in effect.
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is seeking comments by April 6, 2012 on the country/tariff number pairs that could lose their Generalized System of Preferences duty-free treatment in the 2011 Annual Review if they exceed certain statutory thresholds or one or both Competitive Needs Limits (CNLs). Comments are also sought on the possible re-designation of articles currently ineligible for GSP. While 2011 full calendar data is available for all GSP-eligible tariff numbers, USTR has issued four lists that indicate the GSP changes for 156 tariff numbers that may take effect on July 1, 2012.
On October 6, 2011, US. Trade Representative Kirk announced that the U.S. had submitted information to the World Trade Organization identifying nearly 200 subsidy programs that China had failed to notify as required under WTO rules. Information was also submitted on 50 subsidy programs in India not previously notified. The Department of Commerce has now posted these lists of subsidies. U.S. list of counter notifications for China available here. U.S. list of counter notifications for India available here.
Deputy U.S. Trade Representative and Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization Punke issued a statement on WTO Director-General Lamy's assessment of the current deadlock in the Doha negotiations. Punke agrees with Lamy that there is a fundamental gap in expectations among key Members in non-agricultural market access (i.e. industrial tariffs) but states that services and agriculture also have fundamental differences. He said, “We need to determine - collectively - whether some branch of the current path can lead us to the finish line. If so, let’s all get to work. If not, we need to consider the viability of other pathways."
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has issued a notice announcing that it is modifying the Harmonized Tariff Schedule to reflect that Canada will begin collecting the additional 10% duty on exports to the U.S. of softwood lumber products from the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan for products with a shipment date of September 1, 2010 or later.
On June 30, 2010, a World Trade Organization dispute settlement panel issued its report in the long-running dispute brought by the U.S. on “European Communities and Certain Member States - Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft” (DS316, aka the Airbus dispute).
1. ITA, USTR Request Comments on Trade Advisory Committee System
On February 18, 2010, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and Mexican Secretary of Public Safety Luna signed a Declaration of Principles of Cooperation on joint efforts to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and share information about transnational threats while streamlining legitimate travel and trade. (DHS press release, dated 02/18/10, available at
The Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners gave preliminary approval tonearly $9 million in extra incentives to further boost participation in the Green Flag air quality program and toincrease the use of trains to move import and export cargo containers. The Green Flag Program, whichgives financialincentives to ship operators to slow down their vessels near the Port,will double to $6 million a year. (News release, posted 02/02/10, available at
The Transportation Security Administration has issued an annual summary of all enforcement actions taken by TSA under the authority granted in the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11Commission Act of 2007. (D/N TSA-2009-0024, FR Pub 12/28/09, available at