The Commerce Department issued notices in the Federal Register on its recently initiated antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on float glass products from China and Malaysia (A-570-188/C-570-189, A-557-832/C-557-833). The CVD investigations cover entries for the calendar year 2023. The AD investigation on Malaysia covers entries Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024, and the AD investigation on China covers entries April 1, 2024, through Sept. 30, 2024.
International Trade Today is providing readers with the top stories from last week in case they were missed. All articles can be found by searching on the titles or by clicking on the hyperlinked reference number.
The final rule requiring importers to electronically file the Consumer Product Safety Commission's Certificates of Compliance will be effective in stages in 2026 and 2027, according to a Federal Register notice.
The International Trade Commission posted the 2025 Basic Edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. The new HTS implements a variety of 10-digit-level changes for fruits and vegetables, chemicals and other products. Changes were effective as of Jan. 1 unless otherwise noted.
A domestic producer recently filed a petition with the Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission requesting new antidumping and countervailing duties on slag pots from China. Commerce will now decide whether to begin AD/CVD investigations, which could result in the imposition of permanent AD/CVD orders and the assessment of AD and CVD on importers. WHEMCO-Steel Castings, Inc., requested the investigation.
CBP created Harmonized System Update 2422 on Dec. 31, containing 290 Automated Broker Interface (ABI) records and 55 Harmonized Tariff Schedule records. HSU 2422 includes end of year HTS adjustments required by the verification of the 2025 Harmonized Tariff Schedule.
CBP has released its Jan. 1 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 59, No. 1). It contains two notices of information collection activities, one related to the declaration of free entry of returned American products (CBP Form 3311), and the other on documentation requirements for articles entered under various special tariff treatment provisions -- that is, articles classified under subheadings 9801.00.10, 9802.00.20, 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, 9802.00.60 and 9817.00.40.
While it's still CBP's goal in the next 16 days to release a notice of proposed rulemaking on requirements for data submissions and on restrictions for goods eligible for de minimis, agency officials acknowledged that one or both might not be ready in time.
CBP issued the following releases on commercial trade and related matters:
The International Trade Commission posted the 2025 Basic Edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. The new HTS implements a variety of 10-digit-level changes for fruits and vegetables, chemicals and other products. Changes were effective as of Jan. 1 unless otherwise noted.