"Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions" is a daily International Trade Today compilation of the most relevant legislation, hearings, and actions by Congress involving international trade. The following are brief summaries of recent Capitol Hill actions:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a notice stating that as part of the ongoing efforts to centralize all continuous bond processing, effective March 1, 2010, all continuous bond applications (regardless of activity code) should be submitted directly to the Revenue Division for processing.
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has posted USTR Kirk's remarks, as prepared for delivery, for the Retail Industry Leaders Association Logistic Conference. Among other things, Kirk stated that the USTR is currently seeking to resolve outstanding issues on the Colombian, Korean, and Panamanian Free Trade Agreements in an effort to move those forward at the appropriate time. (Remarks, posted 02/24/10, available at http://www.ustr.gov/about-us/press-office/speeches/transcripts/2010/february/remarks-ambassador-ron-kirk-retail-industry)
"Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions" is a daily International Trade Today compilation of the most relevant legislation, hearings, and actions by Congress involving international trade. The following are brief summaries of recent Capitol Hill actions:
"Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions" is a daily International Trade Today compilation of the most relevant legislation, hearings, and actions by Congress involving international trade. The following are brief summaries of recent Capitol Hill actions:
At the December 2009 Trade Symposium, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials and others discussed CBP's rulings process and certain international rulings issues.
At the December 2009 Trade Symposium, Customs officials and importer and broker representatives discussed the Importer Self Assessment program.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted a notice revising the date for the April 2010 Customs Broker License Examination. According to CBP, the exam will now be held on Wednesday, April 7, 2010.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted a notice entitled Notice of Examination: April 2010 Customs Broker License Examination, which announces that the next customs broker license exam will be held on Monday, April 5, 2010.
In Delphi Petroleum, Inc., v U.S., the Court of International Trade ruled that Delphi's delayed drawback claims filing were permitted under 19 USC 1313(r)(1), because a Customs official was responsible for the delay in filing.