In Delphi Petroleum, Inc., v. U.S., the Court of International Trade ruled that Customs had not acted in bad faith by failing to extend the statutory time limit for filing Delphi’s drawback claims under 19 USC 1313(r)(1) and denied Delphi’s motion for attorneys’ fees¹ pursuant to the Equal Access to Justice Act, 28 USC 2412.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted a notice announcing that the next customs broker license exam will be held on Monday, October 4, 2010.
The COAC Trade Facilitation Subcommittee met with U.S Customs and Border Protection officials on June 15, 2010 to discuss one of CBP’s top Account Based Processing projects -- Centers of Expertise.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a detailed press release on the agency’s fourth national Trade Conference for CBP policymakers and field managers that was held in Arlington, VA on June 22-25, 2010. The conference drew nearly 200 participants from throughout the country to exchange ideas and discuss CBP’s new and changing policies.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Trade Account Owner May 2010 update. Highlights of the May 2010 update include:
CBP has issued a CSMS message reminding the trade that the closing of the CBP Drawback Center located at the Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach becomes effective June 4, 2010. Any drawback claim filed on or after June 4, 2010 must be filed at one of the remaining four CBP Drawback Centers. (See ITT’s Online Archives or 05/05/10 news, 10050519, for BP summary announcing the closure.) (CSMS #10-000134)
On May 20, 2010, the House Ways and Means Committee’s Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on Customs Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement. The Customs Commissioner and other government witnesses presented testimony and answered questions. Highlights of what was covered include:
Minutes from the March 9, 2010 through April 20, 2010 meetings of the COAC Trade Facilitation Subcommittee have recently been posted to CBP’s Web site. During these meetings, the Subcommittee addressed a number of trade facilitation issues, highlights of which include:
Brazil has announced various measures to increase the competitiveness of its exports, including creation of a national export-import bank, expediting the return of export credits against PIS and COFINS taxes, broadening incentives on drawback exports, etc. (Press release, in Portuguese, dated 05/05/10, available at¬icia=9798)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a final rule that will amend its regulations, effective June 4, 2010, to reflect the closure of the Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach Drawback Center.