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Papers for International Trade Today

The International Trade Commission has posted the 2025 Basic Edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, with changes taking effect on 1 January 2025. To help trade professionals stay current on these tariff revisions and statistical reporting changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary overview: the 2025 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide.

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective July 1, 2024. To help trade professionals stay current on the latest tariff revisions and statistical reporting changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary summary guide: the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Summary of Updates.

The International Trade Commission has posted the 2024 Basic Edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, with changes taking effect on 1 January 2024. To help trade professionals stay current on these tariff revisions and statistical reporting changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary overview: the 2024 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide.

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective July 1, 2023. To help trade professionals stay current on the latest tariff revisions and statistical reporting changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary summary guide: the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Summary of Updates.

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective on January 1, 2023. To help trade professionals stay current on these tariff revisions and statistical reporting changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary overview: the 2023 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide.

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule will become effective January 27, 2022. To help trade professionals stay current on the most extensive tariff revisions and statistical reporting changes made in the last five years, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary overview: the 2022 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide.

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective July 1, 2021. To help trade professionals stay current on the latest tariff revisions and statistical reporting changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary summary guide: the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Summary of Updates.

In 2020, CBP published several thousand prospective rulings in the CROSS database. The 2020 CBP Rulings and Revocations summary covers the significant rulings and decisions reviewed by ITT in 2020 to help importers classify shipments appropriately and understand the regulator's position on areas such as Section 301 tariffs from China, the substantial transformation standard as it relates to the trade remedies, the application of Section 321 to unsold merchandise and the ability to store backup customs broker records on cloud servers outside the United States.

International Trade Today's 2021 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide summarizes the International Trade Commission's changes posted to the 2021 Preliminary Edition of the HTS on January 1. This guide provides valuable trade compliance information for business working in the following countries of origin and products:

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective July 1, 2020. To help trade professionals stay current on the latest tariff revisions, new tariff numbers, and units of quantity changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary summary guide the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Summary of Updates.

The 2019 CBP Rulings and Revocations summary includes a number of rulings addressing Section 301 tariffs from China, as well as decisions in multiple areas. 

The International Trade Commission’s latest changes to the 2020 Basic Edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule took effect on January 1, 2020  To help trade professionals keep current on tariff requirements and understand what has changed since the last revision to the online HTS, International Trade Today is pleased to offer this complimentary 2020 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide 

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective July 1, 2019. To help trade professionals stay current on the latest tariff revisions, new tariff numbers, and GSP changes, International Trade Today is offering a complimentary summary guide the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Summary of Updates.

Though not posted until the beginining of February the latest round of changes made by the International Trade Commission to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule came into effect on January 1, 2019. To help trade professionals summarize these changes, International Trade Today is offering the 2019 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide.

The 2018 CBP Rulings and Revocations Summary provides a list of CBP’s 2018 rulings and legal decisions covered by International Trade Today to help you make business decisions based on how your goods will be treated upon importation.  These rulings addressed topics such as issues classification, country of origin, marking and preferential treatment, valuation, drawback, exclusion order enforcement, liquidation, and more.

International Trade Today’s Medical Devices Classification Guide details the classification of devices in Heading 9018 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. From Explanatory Notes within the heading to medical device terms and product examples, this guide will aid and expedite the classification of medical devices.

Based on CBP’s presentation to the industry, International Trade Today’s Footwear Classification Guide details the classification of footwear in Chapter 64 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. This paper also includes explanatory notes, treasury decisions and footwear definitions.

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective July 1, 2018. To help trade professionals stay current on the latest tariff revisions, new tariff numbers, and GSP changes, International Trade Today is offering a free summary guide the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Summary of Updates.

Based on CBP’s recent presentation to the industry, International Trade Today’s Pharmaceuticals Tariff Classification Guide details the classification of pharmaceuticals and other compounds recognized as drugs in Chapters 29 and 30 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. This white paper also includes links to relevant CBP rulings, informed compliance documents and court cases, as well as the CBP’s preferred procedure for obtaining a ruling on a pharmaceutical compound from its binding rulings program.

The 2017 CBP Rulings and Revocations Summary provides a list of CBP’s 2017 rulings and legal decisions covered by International Trade Today to help you make business decisions based on how your goods will be treated upon importation.  These rulings addressed topics such as issues classification, country of origin, marking and preferential treatment, valuation, drawback, exclusion order enforcement, liquidation, and more.

The International Trade Commission’s latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective on January 1, 2018. To help trade professionals keep current on the latest GSP/AGOA provisions, new and amended statistical suffixes, duty-free changes and more, International Trade Today is pleased to offer our readers the 2018 U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Guide.

The International Trade Commission's latest round of changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule became effective July 1, 2017. To help trade professionals stay current on the latest tariff revisions, new tariff numbers, and GSP changes, International Trade Today is offering a free summary guide the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Summary of Updates.

Beginning May 30th, U.S. food importers must meet the FDA’s mandate to ensure their foreign suppliers meet U.S. food safety standards. To help you understand how these new regulations will be implemented and enforced, International Trade Today has prepared a complimentary FDA Foreign Supplier Verification Program Compliance Guide.

CBP published approximately 4,000 prospective rulings and revoked or modified more than 80 others in 2016 addressing topics such as valuation, drawback, liquidation and more. The 2016 CBP Rulings and Revocations Summary provides a list of rulings and legal decisions to help you make decisions based on how your goods will be treated upon importation.

The Preliminary Edition of the 2017 Harmonized Tariff Schedule took effect January 1st with some of the most extensive changes to the tariff schedule since 2012, the last time the WCO nomenclature was updated. The editors of International Trade Today have compiled a comprehensive and complimentary guide detailing every one of the changes that will impact trade professionals for the foreseeable future. 

On January 1, 2017, the World Customs Organization is implementing amendments to the Harmonized System (HS) Nomenclature. These changes include 242 sets of amendments that apply to more than seven industry sectors, and most were prompted by environmental and social concerns expressed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. As a free service to the trade industry, International Trade Today’s experts have compiled a comprehensive Tariff Changes Under the WCO Harmonized System 2017 Update Guide.

On July 1 2016, the U.S. and 51 other countries launched an eight-year effort that will strike tariffs on more than $180 billion in yearly U.S. tech exports in key markets around the globe. The WTO Expanded Information Technology Agreement will ultimately affect 450 tariff lines on 201 information technology categories representing 80% of all currently traded product lines. And, as a free service to the industry, International Trade Today has compiled a reference guide summarizing the changes to the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule that will transform information technology trade around the world.

The Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act affects the operations of every customs broker and importer operating in the United States. As the most comprehensive, trusted news source for customs brokers and trade professionals, International Trade Today is proud to help keep you current on this legislation through our Customs Reauthorization Compliance Guide.