U.S. Customs and Border Protection is announcing that Participating Government Agency (PGA) indicator programming has been added to ACS to enhance its ABI HTS Update and Query functionality. However, no tariff numbers have a PGA indicator yet (for those tariff numbers that call for one), so there will be no "VL" or "WL" records sent out to indicate that a tariff number has a PGA requirement.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has announced the permanent establishment of the Center of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) for Electronics in Los Angeles and the CEE for Pharmaceuticals in New York, which previously functioned as pilot programs. CBP states that the centers will continue efforts to increase uniformity of practices, facilitate resolution of compliance issues, and strengthen CBP knowledge of industry practices.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has newly posted the recordings and presentation slides for two webinars, one on ACE Courtesy Notice of Liquidation (October 12, 2011) and the other on Practical Suggestions to Mitigate Cargo Security Risks (October 6, 2011). These webinars are part of a series of live trade outreach webinars that CBP is hosting. Each webinar is recorded and made available for subsequent on-demand viewing. Topics of previous webinars available for viewing include the role of the broker, account management restructuring, ACE Post Summary Corrections, simplified entry and financial processes, etc. Another announcement regarding the ACE Courtesy Notice Report was announced in CSMS #11-000265, available here.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has announced that the 2012 annual user fee of $138 for each customs broker permit and national permit held by an individual, partnership, association, or corporation is due by January 20, 2012.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have issued the following news releases:
A listing of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site as of October 20, 2011, along with the case number(s) and CBP message number, is provided below. These messages are available by searching on the listed CBP message number at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.
The Port of Los Angeles has issued Public Bulletin LA11-015 to advise the trade community of proposed revisions to the Price Transfer Trade/Agriculture Centralized Examination Stations (CES) fee schedules due to increased business expenses during the past ten years. The revisions, if approved by the Port Director, will be effective after a 30 calendar day public comment period. LA11-015 is available via email by sending a request to documents@brokerpower.com.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is requesting that those few CAMIR users transmitting the K01 (edit) record, discontinue its use immediately. The A01 (amendment) feature can accomplish the same action of either a delete, add or replace of quantity against a bill of lading. In the near future a reject will generate when an attempt is made to send this record type. CSMS #11-000261
This summary report highlights the most active textile and apparel tariff preference levels1 from U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s “Quota Weekly Commodity Status Report.” It also lists the TRQ commodities on CBP’s weekly “TRQ/TPL Threshold to Fill List.” Note that the fiscal year 2012 commodity TRQs reopened for a new quota period on October 1, 2011, as did the TPLs for the CBTPA.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a final rule adopting, without change, interim amendments to CBP regulations that were published in January 2011 on the preferential tariff treatment and other customs-related provisions of the U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement (OFTA). The final rule is effective November 21, 2011.