U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued the following news releases related to commercial trade and related issues:
A listing of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Web site as of January 31, 2012, along with the case number(s) and CBP message number, is provided below. These messages are available by searching on the listed CBP message number at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.
On January 31, 2012, U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued CSMS message #12-000027 announcing that it was aware of issues preventing the successful logon to the ACE Reports portal (i.e., the ACE Reports subsystem). CBP immediately issued (perhaps prematurely) and then rescinded CSMS #12-00028 (the message stated that the issue had been resolved and ACE reports could be generated). On February 1, 2012, CBP issued CSMS #12-000032 that states that the problem preventing the successful logon to the ACE Reports portal (i.e., the ACE Reports subsystem) is resolved and that ACE reports can now be generated. CSMS #12-000027 available here. CSMS #12-000032 available here.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a January 26, 2012 notice on the modifications to HTS Chapter 17 that will occur on February 3, 2012 to separate the classification of non-centrifugal sugar such as panella, from other (centrifugal) raw cane sugars. CBP notes that non-centrifugal sugar must have a polarity of 69 degrees or more, but less than 93 degrees. See notice (QBT-12-504) for list of changed HTS sugar lines and the new raw sugar HTS lines.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is requesting comments by March 26, 2012 on an existing information collection on Importers of Merchandise Subject to Actual Use Provisions. CBP proposes to extend the expiration date of this information collection with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued the following news releases related to commercial trade and related issues:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted the weekly foreign currency exchange rate multipliers for the week ending January 27, 2012.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted a January 30, 2012 version of its CF 1400 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Entrances) electronic query report of the Vessel Management System (VMS), in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by entrances. CBP has also posted a version of its CF 1401 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Clearances) electronic query report of the VMS, in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by clearances.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted a summary of changes for the Automated Export System Trade Interface Requirements (AESTIR) that were effective on January 6 and 19, 2012 for the following, respectively:
In the January 25, 2012 issue of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Bulletin (Vol. 46, No. 5), CBP issued a notice announcing its receipt of a "Lever-Rule" application from Proctor & Gamble for the federally registered and recorded "Downy" trademark.