The U.S., Canada, and Mexico are proposing to expand the scope of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer to phase down hydrofluorocarbons. As part of the proposal, the Environmental Protection Agency is proposing four refrigerants as possible substitutes in U.S. household and commercial refrigerators and freezers. (News release, dated 05/06/10, available at!OpenDocument)
The World Trade Organization frequently posts communications to WTO members on issues that involve the U.S. The following are short summaries of such issues for April 2010:
In the May 6, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
The World Trade Organization has posted Bahrain's responses to U.S. questions regarding its customs valuation legislation. Among other things, Bahrain explains how importers can appeal decisions made by the committee that reviews the customs officials' valuation decisions. (WTO document - may have to attempt to open twice for proper viewing - posted 05/05/10, available at
The World Trade Organization has circulated a notice from Brazil informing WTO members that the U.S. and Brazil are currently engaged in a dialogue with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory solution to U.S.- Subsidies on Upland Cotton (DS267). Accordingly, Brazil's authorized countermeasures will not enter into force before June 21, 2010. (WTO document - may have to attempt to open twice for proper viewing, posted 05/05/10, available at
Brazil has announced various measures to increase the competitiveness of its exports, including creation of a national export-import bank, expediting the return of export credits against PIS and COFINS taxes, broadening incentives on drawback exports, etc. (Press release, in Portuguese, dated 05/05/10, available at¬icia=9798)
In the May 4 and May 5, 2010 editions of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related Commission Regulation notices were posted:
On May 4, 2010, the European Commission decided to relaunch the negotiations on an Association Agreement with Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). Earlier negotiations were suspended in 2004. (EC press release, dated 05/04/10, avaialble at
World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy, in his report to the General Council, cited the following “ingredients” in the Doha Round process: meetings organized by the chairs of the different negotiating groups; preliminary contacts between trade ministers; and his own consultations with delegations on general issues. Members must start shaking the ingredients “before the ice melts,” he quipped. (Notice, dated 05/04/10, available at
The World Trade Organization's General Council has agreed to establish a working party to examine the request of the Syrian Arab Republic for WTO membership. Syria welcomed the decision as part of WTO’s efforts “to promote international cooperation for trade and development”. (Notice, dated 05/04/10, available at