The following hearings or mark ups are scheduled for December 1, 2010:
On November 30, 2010, the following trade-related bill was introduced:
On November 30, 2010, the President signed into law S.J.Res. 40, which provides that the first regular session of the 112th Congress will begin at noon on Wednesday, January 5, 2011.
On November 30, 2010, the following was reported in the Senate:
On November 30, 2010, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs ordered favorable reported the nomination of Eugene Louis Dodaro, to be Comptroller General of the U.S., Government Accountability Office.
On November 30, 2010, the House is scheduled to consider Senate-passed S. 1421, the Asian Carp Prevention and Control Act. S. 1421, which was passed by the Senate on November 17, 2010. The bill would amend the Lacey Act to add the bighead carp of the species Hypophthalmichthys nobilis to the list of injurious species that are prohibited from being shipped or imported into the U.S.
On November 30, 2010, Representative Camp (R), Ranking Member on the House Ways and Means Committee and Representative Brady (R), Ranking Member on the Trade Subcommittee, issued a statement in reaction to the signing of the Tax Information Exchange Agreement between the U.S. and Panama.
The following hearing or markup is scheduled for November 30, 2010:
On November 29, 2010, the following was reported in the Senate:
On November 29, 2010, 40 associations sent a letter to Senator Reid (D), Senate Majority Leader and Senator McConnell (R), Senate Minority Leader, urging them to oppose hasty action on H.R. 2378, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, in the lame duck session. They urge the Senate to follow regular order and allow the Senate Finance Committee to exercise its jurisdiction over the bill.