An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at
CBP has issued the following news releases:
CBP has posted an updated version of its CF 1400 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Entrances) - an electronic query report for CF 1400 of the Vessel Management System (VMS), in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by entrances. CBP has also posted an updated CF 1401 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Clearances) - an electronic query report for CF 1401 of the VMS, in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by clearances.
CBP has posted a document listing the Remote Location Filing operational locations. The list includes the port name, port code, the Electronic Invoice Program (EIP)/RLF coordinator, the phone number (and extension, if applicable), and the fax number for each location.
CBP has posted points of contact for its Enforcement Policy Branch.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection's June 9, 2010 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 44, No. 24) contains 27 notices proposing to revoke or modify rulings and 2 notices revoking rulings. These notices affect the following products:
An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at
CBP has posted the list of public attendees at the recent COAC meeting that was held in Philadelphia, PA.
CBP has updated its list of Free and Secure Trade enrollment centers.
CBP has posted the weekly foreign currency exchange rate multipliers for the week ending June 4, 2010.