U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a memorandum on the 2011 duty-free DR-CAFTA1 tariff preference level for certain non-originating Costa Rica apparel of wool or subject to wool restraints and mastectomy swimsuits, as provided for in HTS Chapter 99, Subchapter XV, U.S. Notes 16 and 17.
Broker Power has listed the 2011 "General" Column 1 rates of duty for certain woven wool or fine animal hair (wool) apparel, and their associated categories. (The “Special” Column 1 rates of duty (e.g. under the NAFTA or DR-CAFTA, etc.) are not included.)
Broker Power has listed the 2011 "General" Column 1 rates of duty for certain cotton and man-made fiber woven apparel, and their associated categories. (The “Special” Column 1 rates of duty (e.g. under the Australia or Morocco FTA, etc.) are not included.)