The Commerce Department has released the final results of its countervailing duty administrative review on wood mouldings and millwork products (millwork products) from China (C-570-118). These final results will be used to set final assessments of CVD on importers for entries Jan. 1, 2022, through Dec. 31, 2022.
The International Trade Commission published notices in the Aug. 27 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):
The ITC seeks comments by Sept. 5 on a Section 337 complaint filed by Maxell alleging imports of smart televisions from TCL and 11 of its affiliates are infringing on Maxell’s patents, the agency said in a notice released Aug. 27. In its Aug. 21 complaint, Maxell said it seeks a limited exclusion order and cease and desist order against the TCL companies.
The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register Aug. 27 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department will retroactively suspend liquidation back to March 30, 2024, and require antidumping and countervailing duty cash deposits for exporters of ferrosilicon from Russia (A-821-838/C-821-839), it said in a notice released Aug. 27. The agency preliminary found critical circumstances exist for Russian Ferro Alloys Inc. and its affiliate RFA International LP, as well as the Russia-wide entity in the AD investigation and the "all-others" companies in the CVD investigation. Commerce will require AD/CVD cash deposits at the rate set in its preliminary determinations (see 2407020001) for any unliquidated entries on or after March 30, 2024 (i.e., 90 days prior to Commerce’s June 28 preliminary determinations).
The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register Aug. 26 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department is amending final results of the countervailing duty administrative review on narrow woven ribbons with woven selvedge from China (C-570-953) originally published July 28, 2021, to align with the final decision in a court case that challenged a rate in those results.
The Commerce Department is issuing antidumping and countervailing duty orders on pea protein from China (A-570-154/C-570-155). The orders, published Aug. 26, set permanent antidumping and countervailing duties, which will remain in place unless revoked by Commerce in a sunset or changed circumstances review. Commerce will now begin conducting annual administrative reviews, if requested, to determine final assessments of AD/CVD on importers and make changes to cash deposit rates.
Imports of unthreaded pins of alloy steel rod from China subsequently processed into steel threaded rod in the U.S. are circumventing antidumping and countervailing duty orders on steel threaded rod from China (A-570-104/C-570-105), and will remain subject to retroactive suspension of liquidation and antidumping and countervailing duty cash deposit requirements, Commerce said in the final determination of its anti-circumvention inquiry, released Aug. 26.
The International Trade Commission published notices in the Aug. 23 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):