The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register Sept. 9 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department looks set to recognize a Turkish company’s name change for the purposes of the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on circular welded carbon steel standard pipe and tube products (standard pipe), welded line pipe (WLP), certain oil tubular goods (OCTG), and large diameter welded pipe (LDWP) from Turkey (A-489-501/C-489-502, A-489-822/C-489-823, A-489-816/C-489-817, A-489-833/C-489-834). In the preliminary results of the AD and CVD changed circumstances reviews, the agency preliminarily found Borusan Birleşik Boru Fabrikalari Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (Borusan Boru) is the successor-in-interest to Borusan Mannesmann Boru Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (BMB).
The Commerce Department has published the final results of a countervailing duty administrative review on granular polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) resin from India (C-533-900). The review covered subject merchandise from the exporters under review entered during the period July 6, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022.
The International Trade Commission published notices in the Sept. 6 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):
The International Trade Commission is beginning a Section 337 investigation to consider a request from JBS Hair for a general exclusion order banning imports of synthetic braiding hair that infringe on its patents, the ITC said in a notice released Sept. 6. In a complaint filed in August (see 2408080006), JBS alleged 30 companies are infringing on its patented method of pre-stretching synthetic braiding hair in differing lengths to avoid the added time for braiders to pull tease the hair to make it look natural. The ITC also will consider cease and desist orders against those 30 companies, which are all U.S.-based.
The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register Sept. 6 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
The International Trade Commission published notices in the Sept. 5 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register Sept. 5 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article):
The Commerce Department made preliminary affirmative antidumping duty determinations that imports of paper plates from China (A-570-164), Thailand (A-549-849) and Vietnam (A-552-839), are being sold in the U.S. at less than fair value. The agency will generally impose AD cash deposit requirements on entries of subject merchandise beginning on Sept. 5, 2024, though cash deposit requirements take effect retroactively for some Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese companies, beginning on June 7, 2024.
The International Trade Commission published notices in the Sept. 4 Federal Register on the following AD/CVD injury, Section 337 patent or other trade proceedings (any notices that warrant a more detailed summary will be in another ITT article):