Comments are due Aug. 12 to the International Trade Commission on public interest issues raised on a July 29 complaint by Zodiac Pool Systems and Zodiac Pool Care Europe concerning pool cleaners (ITC Docket No. 337-TA-3631).
CBP, in closely linked cases, determined that there is substantial evidence that importers Starille, Nutrawave and Newtrend USA evaded antidumping and countervailing duty orders on glycine from China (EAPA Consolidated Case No. 7647), while there was a lack of substantial evidence that the same importers evaded an AD order on glycine from Thailand (EAPA Consolidated Case No. 7663).
The International Trade Commission posted Revision 8 to the 2022 Harmonized Tariff Schedule. The update added new secondary 10-digit tariff numbers for baby formula and products of Russia.
In the July 6 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 56, No. 26), CBP published a proposal to revoke a ruling on wooden paint mixing sticks and composite portable storage batteries.
Rubber tires specifically designed for use with lawnmowers are parts of agricultural equipment under subheading 9817.00.60, eligible for duty-free treatment, CBP said in a ruling issued April 28 and made public July 8. The ruling was a response to a request for internal advice initiated by OTR Wheel Engineering on low-speed rated tires that are designed, engineered and marketed for use on riding and standing mowers.
The International Trade Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by VideoLabs in a July 1 patent complaint on imported video processing devices. The company alleges Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Micro-Star, Motorola Mobility and MSI are importing computers, smartphones, virtual reality devices and other products capable of encoding and/or decoding video data that infringe on four patents it owns. VideoLabs asked the ITC to issue permanent limited exclusion orders as well as cease and desist orders. Public comments are due by July 18.
The International Trade Commission posted Revision 6 to the 2022 Harmonized Tariff Schedule. The semiannual update to the HTS adds new 10-digit tariff numbers for a variety of products, including tomatoes and a wide range of other vegetables, cut flowers and beverages in aluminum cans. All changes take effect July 1, unless otherwise specified.
Global supply chain issues could be alleviated with better data sharing and processing, experts said during a June 29 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness. But to overcome trust issues among companies reluctant to share data, some government intervention may be necessary, they said.
Spent catalysts used for chemical production in China then sent back to the U.S. for reprocessing are not substantially transformed by their use in China, and remain of U.S. origin upon re-importation, CBP said in ruling HQ H323601.
Computed value can be used at the importer's discretion in circumstances where products entered into the U.S. are not for immediate sale and sale information for similar products is unavailable, CBP said in HQ ruling H324385.