In the Oct. 12 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 56, No. 40), CBP published a proposal to modify one ruling on woven upholstery fabrics and revoke a ruling on women's tops.
The International Trade Commission has terminated an investigation on imported smart phones (ITC Inv. No. 337-TA-1312), according to a notice in the Federal Register.
Public interest comments are due Oct. 3 on a Section 337 complaint concerning smart thermostats, an International Trade Commission notice said (ITC Docket No. 3644). A Sept. 15 complaint by EDST and Quext alleged that iApartments, a Florida property management systems company, and Huarifu, a Taiwanese technology company, import and sell smart thermostats that infringe on three of EDST's patents on smart hubs for multifamily residences. EDST and Quext have asked the ITC to institute a permanent limited exclusion order and cease and desist orders following the investigation.
The International Trade Commission said in a notice that it has begun a formal investigation on imported outdoor and semi-outdoor electronic displays (ITC Inv. No. 337-TA-1331).
The coronavirus pandemic did not noticeably affect the timeliness of CBP's processing and release of import shipments, a report from the Government Accountability Office found. The report, released on Sept. 14, was required by the the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) as part of the GAO's assignment to monitor and report on the federal response to the pandemic.
Public interest comments are due Sept. 29 to the International Trade Commission following a complaint alleging falsely advertised organic hazelnuts, a Federal Register notice said (ITC Docket No. 3642). Pratum Farm in Salem, Oregon, filed the complaint Sept. 14, alleging five Turkish hazelnut producers -- Arslanturk, Balsu, Farmeks, Nimeks and Progida -- are falsely advertising as "certified organic" hazelnuts exported to the U.S. Pratum Farm has asked the ITC for a permanent limited exclusion order barring falsely advertised hazelnuts from the respondents, along with cease and desist orders.
The Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) will take time to implement, and the Federal Maritime Commission still needs companies to bring cases so it can effectively regulate ocean traffic, FMC Chairman Daniel Maffei said Sept. 19 during a panel discussion at the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America annual Government Affairs Conference.
Comments to the International Trade Commission are due by Sept. 27 in two potential cases on integrated circuits, semiconductors and mobile devices, according to a pair of notices to be published in the Sept. 19 Federal Register.
Comments to the International Trade Commission are due by Sept. 27 in a potential Section 337 investigation on raised garden beds, according to a notice to be published in the Sept. 19 Federal Register. The potential case follows a Sept. 12 complaint by Vego Garden, which alleged that Huizhou Green Giant Technology, Utopban International Trading, Utopban Limited, Kinghood International Logistics, VegHerb, The Hydro Source, and Quanzhou Jieliya Trading infringed on copyrights held by Vego and misappropriated trade secrets. Vego seeks a permanent limited exclusion order barring raised garden beds and components developed using Vego's trade secrets, along with cease and desist orders against the respondents.
In the Sept. 14 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 56, No. 36), CBP published a proposal to revoke two rulings and modify two rulings on mattress covers and revoke one ruling and modify five rulings on pipe fittings.