The practice of providing tariff schedule subheadings for merchandise sold to customers is "customs business," and requires a customs broker license even if a disclaimer is included that the customer shouldn't rely on the classification, CBP determined in a Sept. 29 ruling, released on Oct. 22.
The International Trade Commission began a formal Section 337 investigation on imported smart thermostats (ITC Inv. No. 337-TA-1339), it said in a Federal Register notice released Oct. 21.
Advocacy groups expressed "outrage" over a recent proposal from trade participants in the 21st Century Customs Framework initiative to make ocean manifest data confidential, in an open letter to CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus dated Oct. 20.
The International Trade Commission began a formal Section 337 Investigation on imported hazelnuts, according to a Federal Register notice released Oct. 20. The initiation of the investigation (ITC Inv. No. 337-TA-1337) follows a complaint (supplemented three times) to the ITC by Pratum Farm in Salem, Oregon, on Sept. 14 (see 2209200020). The complaint alleged that five Turkish hazelnut producers -- Arslanturk, Balsu, Farmeks, Nimeks and Progida -- have falsely advertised imported hazelnuts from Turkey as "certified organic," which Pratum Farm disputes. The farm has asked the ITC for a permanent limited exclusion order barring falsely advertised hazelnuts from the respondents, along with cease and desist orders.
In the Oct. 19 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 56, No. 41), CBP published a proposal to modify one ruling on paper face masks.
The International Trade Commission began a Section 337 investigation on imported raised garden beds, it said in a notice to be published in the Oct. 19 Federal Register (ITC Inv. No. 337-TA-1334).
The International Trade Commission on Oct. 13 began two Section 337 investigations on imported smartphones and components, according to a pair of notices to be published in the Oct. 19 Federal Register (ITC Inv. Nos. 337-TA-1335, 337-TA-1336).
In the Oct. 5 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 56, No. 39), CBP published a proposal to revoke one ruling concerning nut food products.
In the Oct. 12 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 56, No. 40), CBP published a proposal to revoke one ruling on metal storage lockers and another on cylinder heads.
Public interest comments are due to the International Trade Commission by Oct. 24 on a potential Section 337 investigation regarding imported electronics and semiconductors. The request for comments follows an Oct. 6 complaint by Bell Semiconductor, which alleged that NXP Semiconductors, SMCNetworks, Micron Technology, NVIDIA, AMD, Acer, Infineon Technologies, Qualcomm, Motorola Mobility and Western Digital Technologies are infringing on two of Bell's patents by importing electronic equipment that infringes on two integrated circuit design patents held by Bell. Bell asked the ITC to institute a limited exclusion order forbidding entry of infringing products by the respondents and cease and desist orders.