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Taiwan Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip in Coils: Final Results of AD Admin Review

The Commerce Department has published the final results of the antidumping duty administrative review on stainless steel sheet and strip in coils from Taiwan (A-583-831). These final results will be used to set final assessments of AD on importers for subject merchandise entered July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.

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For exporters of subject merchandise that were not under review (i.e., all except the companies listed below), cash deposit rates remain at the level set in the most recent review of each respective company. If the exporter has never been assigned its own AD rate but the manufacturer has, the rate assigned to the manufacturer applies. For merchandise manufactured and exported by companies that have never been assigned a cash deposit rate by Commerce, the all-others rate of 12.61% applies.

Commerce continued in the final results the preliminary results finding that two companies -- Yieh United Steel Corporation (YUSCO) and Tung Mung -- had no shipments to the U.S. during the period under review. Cash deposit requirements for these two companies will not change as a result of this review. Commerce said it intends to instruct CBP to liquidate any existing entries of merchandise produced or exported by YUSCO and Tung Mung at the rate for the intermediate reseller, if available, or at the all-others rate, i.e. 12.61%.

New Cash Deposit Rates Take Effect Dec. 20

For entries on or after Dec. 20, the date these final results are scheduled for publication in the Federal Register, Commerce is setting new AD cash deposit rates, with no changes to the calculations used in the preliminary results, for subject merchandise produced or exported by the following companies:

Producer/ExporterAD Rate
Yieh Trading Corporation21.1%
Non-Individually Examined Companies (applicable to the following 4 companies): Chia Far Industrial Factory Co., Ltd.; Ta Chen Stainless Pipe Company Ltd.; Tang Eng Iron Works Company, Ltd.; Yu Ting Industries Co., Ltd.21.1%

Assessment Rates for Entries July 2022 - June 2023

Commerce is using the rates it calculated in these final results to calculate assessments of AD on importers of subject merchandise for entries July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. Commerce will assess AD on all companies under review during that period at the rates listed above.

(The review period is 07/01/22 - 06/30/23. See Commerce's notice for more information, including the scope of the order, detailed cash deposit and assessment instructions, etc. See 2408150051 for a summary of the preliminary results of this administrative review.)