Miscellaneous International Trade Notices
The Office of Textiles and Apparel has announced that effective April 1, 2009, China's value-added tax (VAT) export rebate (duty drawback rate) for most textile and apparel goods will rise one percentage point to 16%. The rate for leather and leather apparel products will rise to 13%. The list of products and tariff number (partially in English) subject to the increase has also been posted. (See future issue of ITT for details.) (OTEXA press release with link to list, dated 03/30/09, http://web.ita.doc.gov/otexa/hotiss.nsf/7bfa72c94f543da685256e5b00498a4d/bb32a878458380a185257566004caeef?OpenDocument)
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1. China Raises VAT Rebate Rate for Textile, Apparel Goods
2. NAFTA Panel Grants Motion to Dismiss Case on Softwood Lumber from Canada
The Canada Gazette is giving notice that a NAFTA Panel has dismissed its proceeding (USA-CDA-2005-1904-01) to review the final results of the countervailing duty administrative review and rescission of certain company-specific reviews made by the U.S. on certain softwood lumber products from Canada. (Gazette, dated 03/28/09, available at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2009/2009-03-28/html/commis-eng.htmlf125)
3. EC to Lower Fees for Granting Trade Marks, Simplify Registration
The European Commission and European Union Member States have decided to lower further the fees payable to the Community agency responsible for granting EU-wide trade mark rights, OHIM (Office for the Harmonization in the Internal Market, located in Alicante, Spain), and to simplify the registration procedure. The EC states that this measure, which follows an initial reduction in 2005 (IP/05/1289), will make trade mark protection cheaper and easier to obtain for businesses operating in the EU single market, saving them some 60 million euros a year. It will come into force on May 1, 2009. (IP/09/506, dated 03/31/09, available at http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/506&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en)
4. Canadian International Trade Tribunal Finds AD/CV Injury from Aluminum Extrusions from China
The Canada Gazette reports that on March 17, 2009, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal found that the dumping and subsidizing in Canada of custom-shaped and standard-shaped aluminum extrusions, excluding certain products, originating in or exported from the People's Republic of China, have caused injury to the domestic industry (Inquiry No. NQ-2008-003). (Gazette, dated 03/28/09, available at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2009/2009-03-28/html/commis-eng.htmlf125)
5. USTR, Nigerian Commerce Minister Meet & Discuss AGOA, IPR, Etc.
U.S. Trade Representative Kirk met with the Nigerian Commerce Minister Udenwa, to discuss progress made during the sixth meeting of the U.S.-Nigeria Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) Council. Ambassador Kirk and Minister Udenwa discussed several common objectives, including cooperation in the World Trade Organization (WTO), implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), market access, intellectual property rights and improving the bilateral investment climate between the U.S. and Nigeria. (Press release, dated 03/30/09, available at http://www.ustr.gov/assets/Document_Library/Press_Releases/2009/March/asset_upload_file405_15442.pdf)
6. ERS Reports on Consequences of World Economic Crisis for U.S. Agriculture
According to the Economic Research Service, the world economic crisis that began in 2008 has major consequences for U.S. agriculture. The weakening of global demand because of emerging recessions and declining economic growth result in reduced export demand and lower agricultural commodity prices, compared with those in 2008. While the overall impact on U.S. agriculture has not been as severe as on the broader U.S. economy because of record-high agricultural exports, the outcomes for U.S. agriculture are dependent on whether or not there is a global realignment of exchange rates to correct current macroeconomic imbalances. (Report, dated March 2009, available at http://www.ers.usda.gov/Publications/WRS0902/)
7. OMB Approves FAS Final Rule on Sugar Program
The Office of Management and Budget has approved a Foreign Agricultural Service final rule to amend 7 CFR Part 1435 for the Sugar Program, in order to account for new provisions in the 2008 Farm Bill. In addition, FAS is amending its regulations to add a Feedstock Flexibility Program for bioenergy producers to dispose of anticipated surplus sugar supply in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) region, modify certain information reporting and recordkeeping requirements to incorporate data on the Mexican sugar market, etc. (Information available at http://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/eoReviewSearch, select "Department of Agriculture" from the second dropdown box.)
8. TSA Announces TWIC HelpDesk Email Availability
The Transportation Security Administration has announced a Transportation Worker Identification Credential HelpDesk update. If you would prefer to email the TWIC Help Desk regarding any questions about the TWIC program or your TWIC card status, after checking online, you can now email the Help Desk directly at TWIC.Helpdesk@gcrm.com. Please include your full name that was used at enrollment, date of birth, and application ID to allow for timely processing of your request. (Announcement, dated 03/30/09, available at http://twicinformation.tsa.dhs.gov/twicinfo/index.jsp)
9. DDTC Removes Draft Aircraft Guidelines for Revision
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls posted a notice that the Draft Aircraft Guidelines have been removed as DDTC is in the process of reviewing the comments received and preparing revised guidelines. (Notice, dated 03/30/09, available at http://www.pmddtc.state.gov/)
10. PHMSA Public Meeting on UNSCOE Transport of Dangerous Goods Session
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration will conduct a public meeting on June 17, 2009 in preparation for the 35th session of the United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UNSCOE TDG) in Geneva, Switzerland on June 22-26, 2009. Topics to be discussed include amendments to the model regulations on the transport of dangerous goods; electronic data interchange (EDT) for documentation purposes; etc. In addition, PHMSA has finalized a broad international strategic plan and welcomes input on items which stakeholders believe should be included as specific initiatives within this plan. (FR Pub 03/31/09, available at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-7042.pdf)
11. FAS to Hold Global Food Security Seminar April 22, 2009
The Foreign Agricultural Service is sponsoring a "Global Food Security Seminar" April 22, 2009 in Washington, DC. (FAS announcement available at http://www.empliant.com/USDAFoodSecuritySeminar/.)
12. FAS Global Agriculture Information Network Reports
The Foreign Agriculture Service issued the following GAIN reports:
Philippines Poultry and Products: RP Lifts Ban on Poultry from Idaho
Russian Federation Grain and Feed: Russia's Federal United Grain Company Created
Turkey Grain and Feed: Rice Tender Results
Turkey Livestock and Products: Turkish Poultry Establishments Approved to Export to EU
13. Revised FDA Import Alerts
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
Food Products Due to the Presence of Melamine and/or Melamine Analogs
Coconut Due to the Presence of Microbiological Contamination
Unapproved New Drugs Promoted in the U.S.
Aquaculture Seafood Products Due to Unapproved Drugs
Seafood Products Due to the Presence of Salmonella
Food Products Due to the Presence of Salmonella
and Guidance of Foods Containing Illegal and/or Undeclared Colors