Miscellaneous International Trade Notices
1. CBP's 102 Rule Lacks Accurate Cost Calculation
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The Journal of Commerce reports that U.S. Customs and Border Protection's cost-benefit analysis of its Security Filing or "10 2" proposed rule is skewed due to the proposed rule's lack of technical detail which does not allow for accurate calculations of the cost to re-program software, etc. (See ITT's Online Archives or 02/21/08 news, 08022105, for BP summary of CBP officials' discussion of 102 at the recent COAC meeting.)(JoC, dated 02/04/08, www.joc.com)
2. China to Submit Response to WTO on its Loss on Auto Parts Case
China Economic Net reports that China is studying the interim report issued by the World Trade Organization against China's tax measures on auto parts imports and is preparing its response. The complaint was brought to the WTO by the European Union, U.S. and Canada. A final decision is due later this year. (China Economic Net, dated 02/15/08, available at http://en.ce.cn/Industries/Auto/200802/15/t20080215_14530700.shtml)
3. ITC Cancels Hearing for 2007 Review of GSP CNL Waivers
The International Trade Commission has issued a notice announcing its cancellation of the February 28, 2008 public hearing in connection with its investigation concerning possible modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2007 Review of Competitive Need Limit Waivers. The deadline for filing post-hearing briefs and other written submissions (March 7, 2008) and all other information described in the notice of institution of the investigation remains the same. (See ITT's Online Archives or 02/07/08 news, 08020750, for BP summary of the ITC's February 4, 2008 initiation notice.) (ITC notice, issued 02/25/08, available at http://www.usitc.gov/secretary/fed_reg_notices/332/332-497..1203959710.pdf)
4. Procedures for Filing Duplicate Paper Entries at LA/LB Port
The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have issued a Public Bulletin updating local procedures, effective February 11, 2008, for the submission of a duplicate paper entry for selectivity processing when the original paper entry has not been processed by CBP after a reasonable period of time. The Public Bulletin includes specified procedures for submitting a request for authorization to file a duplicate entry, including instructions for non-perishable and perishable merchandise, instructions for ABI entries and non-ABI entries, etc. (LA/Long Beach Public Bulletin LA08-007, dated 02/11/08, available by emailing BP at documents@brokerpower.com)
5. APHIS Adds Mauritius to List of Regions Where African Swine Fever Exists
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has issued an interim rule amending the regulations concerning the importation of animals and animal products by adding Mauritius to the list of regions where African swine fever exists. This interim rule is effective February 20, 2008; however, APHIS is imposing its restrictions retroactively to October 17, 2007. Comments are due on or before April 21, 2008. (APHIS Interim rule, D/N APHIS-2007-0151, FR Pub 02/20/08, available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20081800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/pdf/E8-3107.pdf)
6. TWIC Enrollment for Anacortes and Norfolk
The Transportation Security Administration has issued a notice announcing that enrollment for the Transportation Worker Identification Credential for the Port of Anacortes, WA was to begin on February 22, 2008; the Port of Norfolk, VA will begin enrollment on February 29, 2008. (TSA notice, D/Ns TSA-2006-24191; Coast Guard-2006-24196, FR Pub 02/20/08, available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20081800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/pdf/E8-3131.pdf)