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Treasury Issues its CBP Semi-Annual Regulatory Agenda

The Treasury Department (Treasury) has published its semi-annual regulatory agenda, which contains certain U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulatory rulemakings (rulemakings).

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Sources have previously stated that this agenda is a comprehensive list of rulemakings at the proposed, final, long-term, and completed stages. For the rulemakings that are still pending completion, the agenda lists the regulation title, an estimate of the timeframe for the next regulatory actions, a brief description of the regulation, and a contact party name and telephone number. (See ITT's Online Archives or 05/24/05 news, 05052410, for BP summary of DHS' portion of CBP's semi-annual regulatory agenda.)

Treasury's semi-annual regulatory agenda contains the following CBP rulemakings (i.e. those regulations that pertain to Chapter 19 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)):

Proposed Rule Stage (Previously Appeared in Treasury's Agenda)

Regulation TitleTarget Date for Proposed Rule
Remote Location Filing05/05
Uniform Rules of Origin06/05
Revision of Outbound Redelivery Procedures and Liabilities08/05
Centralization of the Continuous Bond Program at the CBP National Finance Center06/05

Final Rule Stage (Previously Appeared in Treasury's Agenda)

Regulation TitleTarget Date for Final Action
Country-of-Origin Marking10/05
Expanded Methods of Payment of Duties, Taxes, Interest, Fees10/05
User and Navigation Fees; Other Reimbursable Charges08/05
African Growth and Opportunity Act and Generalized System of Preferences06/05
Expanded Weekly Entry Procedure for Foreign Trade Zones05/05
U.S.-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act and Caribbean Basin Initiative06/05
Reimbursable Customs Inspectional Services - Increase in Hourly Rate Charge07/05
Dog and Cat Protection Act10/05
Single Entry for Unassembled or Disassembled Entities Imported on Multiple Conveyances07/05
Implementation of the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act06/05
Trade Benefits Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act08/05
Fees for Customs Processing at Express Courier Facilities06/05
Trade Benefits Under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act06/05
Tariff Treatment Related to Disassembly Operations Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)05/05
U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement12/05
U.S. -Singapore Free Trade Agreement07/05
Recordation of Copyrights and Enforcement Procedures to Prevent Importation of Piratical Articles08/05

Long-Term Actions (Previously Appeared in Treasury's Agenda)

Harbor Maintenance Fee

Donated Cargo Exemption from Harbor Maintenance Fee


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Implementation of Duty-Deferral Program Provisions

Completed Actions(Most Previously Appeared in Treasury's Agenda)

Prototypes Used Solely for Product Development, Testing, Evaluation, or Quality Control Purposes

Preferential Treatment of Brassieres Under the U.S.-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act

Merchandise Processing Fees Eligible to be Claimed as Certain Types of Drawback Based on Substitution of Finished Petroleum Derivatives

Extension of Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Categories of Archaeological Material from the Prehispanic Cultures of the Republic of El Salvador

Omitted from Treasury's previous semi-annual regulatory agendas. (See ITT's Online Archives or 03/10/05 news, 05031099 1 for BP summary of final rule.)

Treasury's Semi-Annual Agenda (FR Pub 05/16/05) available at