ITC Institutes Investigation on Probable Economic Effect of Proposed U.S.-Thailand FTA
The International Trade Commission (ITC) has issued a notice announcing that, following receipt of a request from the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), it has instituted an investigation regarding the probable economic effect of the proposed U.S.-Thailand Free Trade Agreement (FTA), and expects to provide its classified report to the USTR by August 19, 2004.
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Duty-free treatment for all products. Pursuant to 19 USC 2151, the ITC will provide a report including advice as to the probable economic effect of providing duty-free treatment for imports of products of Thailand (i) on industries in the U.S. producing like or directly competitive products, and (ii) on consumers.
Tariff elimination for certain agricultural products. Pursuant to 19 USC 3804(b)(2), the report will also include advice as to the probable economic effect of eliminating tariffs on imports of certain agricultural products of Thailand on (i) industries in the U.S. producing the product concerned, and (ii) the U.S. economy as a whole.
According to an ITC news release, a list of these agricultural products is attached to the USTR's request letter, of which a hard copy can be requested from Tracy Quilter at (202) 205-3437 or at (The press release also states that the request letter can be obtained from the ITC's electronic document information system (EDIS On-Line) on the ITC's Web site; however, it is currently unavailable.)
- public hearing on 04/20/04
- requests to appear at hearing due by 04/02/04
ITC contact - | Tracy Quilter | (investigation information) | (202) 205-3437 |
ITC notice (Inv. Nos. TA-131-29 and TA-2104-12, FR Pub 03/09/04) available at
ITC release (04-021, dated 03/04/04) at