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AD: Italy Certain Pasta

(a) These four companies each have a de minimis AD rate (Ferrara: 0.24%, Lensi: 0.36%, Pagani: 0.21%, and Pallante: 0.12%); no cash deposits will be collected although suspension of liquidation will continue.

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Pastificio Guido Ferrara S.r.l. (Ferrara)(a)
Pastificio Lucio Garofalo S.p.A.2.55%
Pasta Lensi S.r.l. (Lensi)1(a)
Industria Alimentare Colavita, S.p.A. and its affiliate Fusco S.r.l. (collectively Indalco)2.85%
Pastificio Fratelli Pagani S.p.A. (Pagani)(a)
Pastificio Antonio Pallante S.r.l. and its affiliate Industrie Alimentari Molisane S.r.l. (collectively Pallante)(a)
PAM S.p.A.45.49%
Rummo S.p.A. Molino e Pastificio0.94%
Molino e Pastifico Tomasello S.r.l.4.59%
Pastificio Zaffiri S.r.l.7.23%
All others(b) (c) (d)

(b) For previously reviewed or investigated companies not listed above, the cash deposit rate will continue to be the company-specific rate published for the most recent period.

(c) If the exporter is not a firm covered in this review, a prior review, or the original investigation, but the manufacturer is, the cash deposit rate will be the rate established for the most recent period for the manufacturer of the merchandise.

(d) The cash deposit rate for all other manufacturers or exporters will continue to be 11.26%, the "all others" rate established in the original investigation.

1 The ITA states that Lensi is the successor-in-interest to Italian American Pasta Company Italia S.r.l.

Assessment Instructions for the Review Period (07/01/01 - 06/30/02)

According to the ITA, it will determine and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will assess, AD duties on all appropriate entries. The ITA states that it has calculated exporter/importer-specific duty assessment rates.

The ITA states that it will issue appropriate assessment instructions directly to CBP within 15 days of February 10, 2004.

ITA Determination Not to Revoke AD Duty Order with Respect to Pagani

The ITA states that it has made a final determination not to revoke the AD duty order with respect to subject merchandise produced and also exported by Pagani because Pagani failed to demonstrate that for three consecutive years it sold the subject merchandise to the U.S. in commercial quantities in accordance with 19 CFR 351.222(e).

(See ITA notice for more information, including the scope of the review and scope rulings. See ITT's Online Archives or 08/20/03 news, 03082040, for BP summary of the preliminary results of this AD duty administrative review.)

ITA Contact -Alicia Kinsey(202) 482-4793

ITA notice (FR Pub 02/10/04) available at