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Miscellaneous International Trade Notices

The Washington Post reports that calls are mounting from abroad for efforts to stem the fall in the U.S. dollar, especially against the euro, but U.S. officials are showing no sign of changing their stance that the dollar's value should be left to the markets. The article notes that the flip side of the strong euro is the weak dollar, which is helping to stoke the U.S. recovery by boosting American exports. (WP, dated 02/03/04,

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1. U.S. Unlikely to Intervene in Dollar's Slide Against the Euro

2. Nat'l Cargo Security Council Publishes Cargo Security Guidelines

The Journal of Commerce Online reports that the National Cargo Security Council (NCSC) has published "Guidelines for Cargo Security & Loss Control," a manual that addresses global logistics and theft concerns facing the transportation industry. According to the article, this manual, which covers 16 security topics and appendices and includes a glossary of cargo transportation terms, is available for purchase at (JoC Online dated 02/04/04,

3. USDA Subcommittee Issues Report Finding More U.S. BSE Cases Likely

The USDA's Subcommittee on the U.S. Response to the Detection of a Case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE Subcommittee) has issued a report which states that it is probable that other animals infected with BSE (also known as mad cow disease) have been imported from Canada and possibly Europe. The report states that, because these animals have not been detected, infective material has likely been rendered, fed to cattle, and amplified within the cattle population, so that cattle in the U.S. have also been indigenously infected. See report for full details of its conclusions and recommendations. (BSE Subcommittee report, dated 02/04/04, available at

4. APHIS Releases Draft Risk Assessment for Importation of Potatoes from Mexico

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has issued a notice stating that it has prepared a draft commodity risk assessment relative to a request it received to amend regulations to allow the importation of potatoes from Mexico into the continental U.S. Written comments received on or before April 2, 2004 will be considered. (D/N 03-091-1, FR Pub 02/02/04, available at

5. TSA Expands Federal Flight Deck Officer Program to Include Cargo Pilots

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has announced that it is opening to cargo pilots its Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) program that trains and arms volunteer aviators to protect the aircraft cockpit. CBP states that applications are being accepted on a secure web site that is available to pilots and other stakeholder groups. (TSA Press Release, dated 02/03/04, available at