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AD: China Coumarin

The International Trade Administration (ITA) has preliminary determined to revoke the antidumping (AD) duty order on coumarin from China for all entries with a time of entry on or after February 1, 2003, the earliest date for which there are entries which have not been subject to an administrative review.

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Intent to Revoke AD Duty Order

The ITA states that it intends to revoke this AD duty order because Rhodia, Inc.1, the producer accounting for all of the domestic like product to which the order pertains, ceased U.S. production in 2002 and has expressed a lack of interest in the relief provided by this AD duty order.

(The ITA notes that Berj Incorporated, a U.S. importer of subject merchandise who requested this AD duty changed circumstances review, also requested that the revocation of the AD duty order be made retroactive to July 1, 2002.)

1 The ITA states that Rhodia, Inc. is the successor-in-interest to Rhone-Poulenc Specialty Chemicals Company.

Current AD Cash Deposit Requirements Continue

The current requirement for a cash deposit of AD duties on subject merchandise will continue unless, and until, the ITA publishes the final results of this AD duty changed circumstances review with a final determination to revoke the AD duty order on coumarin from China in whole.

(Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results.)

(See ITA notice for more information, including the scope of the order. See ITT's Online Archives or 08/19/03 news, 03081935, for BP summary of the initiation of this AD duty changed circumstances review.)

ITA Contact -Scott Lindsay(202) 482-0780

ITA notice (FR Pub 01/26/04) available at