Trade associations representing various industries have submitted comments largely in support of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's June 2011 ANPR proposals to address problems that have arisen with the implementation of the Lacey Act declaration requirement for imported plants and plant products. APHIS’ proposals include, among other things, a “de minimis” exception for small amounts of plant materials.
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has posted a three-question decision chart for determining "Do I need to Declare my Shipment Under the Lacey Act?" Question (1) is "does it contain plant material?", Question (2) "is it a formal entry?", and Question (3) "is the HTS Code on the Schedule?"
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has posted a “filled-out” sample of its August 2011 PPQ 505 Form (Lacey Act Declaration) for imported plants and plant products. The sample involves certain solid wood chairs.
Broker Power is providing readers with some of the top stories for September 6-9, 2011 in case they were missed last week.
According to press sources, an analysis of online traffic from Twitter and Facebook after two Gibson Guitar factories were raided by the Justice Department due to alleged violations of the Lacey Act found that 62% of traffic was against the raids. The other 18% of such traffic was neutral with regard to the raids (such as reporting), and 20% provided jokes. The Justice Department has suggested that Gibson's use of wood from India which is not finished by Indian workers is illegal due to the Department's interpretation of an Indian law. Gibson states it has complied with foreign laws and believes it is innocent of any wrong doing. This was the second time federal agents have raided Gibson facilities.
Broker Power is providing readers with some of the top stories for August 29 -- September 2, 2011 in case they were missed last week.
Officials at the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service have made available a “Lacey Act Updates” presentation, which provides an overview of the 2008 Lacey Act Amendments, and what the agency views as the challenges and common problems in completing the Lacey Declaration (PPQ 505) for imported plants and plant products.1
Sources at the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service state the agency is still working to issue its final rule that will define two categories of products that are exempt from the Lacey Act Declaration -- common cultivars and common food crops. In addition, the report to Congress on the declaration is still under review, but the agency is “getting close” to completing it. APHIS’ top priority right now is to complete its report to Congress.
On August 25, 2011, Gibson Guitar Corp. issued a press release to announce that the Justice Department has raided and temporarily shut down two Gibson facilities in the Department's enforcement of the Lacey Act Amendments. According to Gibson, the Justice Department has suggested that Gibson's use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal.
Broker Power is providing readers with some of the top stories for August 22-26, 2011 in case they were missed last week.