U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a CSMS message announcing the scheduled federal holidays for 2012, as follows:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted an updated version of its TRQ/TPL "threshold to fill" list, a quick reference to monitor TRQs and TPLs that are approaching their restraint limit or have filled their in-quota (low) rate. The list is divided into two sections: those that are at least 85% filled and those that are filled.
CBP has posted an updated version of its Public Automated Commercial System FIRMS (Facilities Information and Resources Management Systems) report that is organized by port code and alphabetically by company name.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted an updated version of its CF 1400 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Entrances) - an electronic query report for CF 1400 of the Vessel Management System (VMS), in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by entrances. CBP has also posted an updated CF 1401 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Clearances) - an electronic query report for CF 1401 of the VMS, in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by clearances.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has seized 150 website domain names that were illegally selling and distributing counterfeit merchandise to mark the official beginning of the online holiday shopping season, known as Cyber Monday. The websites sold counterfeit professionals ports jerseys, footwear, handbags, sunglasses, golf equipment, and DVD sets, representing a variety of trademarks. In most cases, the counterfeit goods were shipped directly into the U.S. from suppliers in other countries. This operation is the 8th phase of "Operation In Our Sites," a law enforcement initiative to protect consumers by targeting counterfeit and piracy on the Internet. The 150 domain names seized represent a more than 80% increase over the 82 websites that were seized in the 2010 Cyber Monday-related operation.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a CSMS Message reminding the trade that it will host a free webcast of the Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection (COAC) meeting that will be held on December 7, 2011 in Washington, DC. Online registration is now open on cbp.gov and closes on December 5. The COAC webcast will also be recorded and will be made available for subsequent on-demand viewing for 30 days.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted an updated version of its 2011 Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) accomplishments fact sheet listing a total of 37 accomplishments from January to September 2011. Most recently, in September 2011, CBP deployed ACE functionality for monitoring the liquidation of entries and made progress on the Document Image System (DIS):
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued the following news releases:
A listing of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site as of November 28, 2011, along with the case number(s) and CBP message number, is provided below. These messages are available by searching on the listed CBP message number at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted the weekly foreign currency exchange rate multipliers for the week ending November 25, 2011.