The Waterfront Coalition will be holding a Southern California Port Workshop on June 15-16, 2010 in Long Beach, CA to provide information on the challenges that are in store for the remainder of 2010 and what to expect in the future. The workshop agenda includes Perspectives from the Ports, Greening of the Maritime Trade Lane, Alternative North American Gateways, Update on Freight Mobility in Southern California, Appointment Systems and Terminal Efficiency Projects in Southern California, etc. (Workshop information available at
Minnesota's Governor has signed into law a bill that would prohibit the sale or offer for sale of children's jewelry with cadmium levels above 75 parts per million, unless superseded by a federal standard regulating cadmium in children's jewelry. The prohibition is effective January 1, 2011, with certain delayed compliance for retailers. (Bill status and bill text available at and
The member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have agreed to invite Estonia, Israel and Slovenia to become members, paving the way for the OECD’s membership to grow to 34 countries. (OECD press release, dated 05/10/10, available at,3343,en_2649_201185_45159737_1_1_1_1,00.html)
Brazil and Mexico have begun discussions regarding a new Strategic and Economic Integration Agreement. Among other things, the discussions involve tariffs, services, investment, government procurement, and intellectual property. (Press release, dated 05/13/10, available at¬icia=9818)
The European Parliament and European Council have begun negotiations on a possible compromise position on reducing trade in illegal timber. Options being considered are a total ban on trade in illegally logged timber, extension of traceability requirements, and new penalties. A Parliamentary vote is scheduled for July. (Press release, dated 05/11/10, available at
In the May 13, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related Regulations were posted:
World Trade Organization Director General Lamy has circulated to WTO members the Ninth Version of the Evolving Table on Cotton Development Assistance in advance of the next round of the Consultative Framework Mechanism on Cotton on June 7, 2010. Part two of Lamy's notice lists the amount of cotton-specific development assistance provided by each country. (WTO documents, dated 05/12/10, available at and
The World Trade Organization announced that the dispute settlement panel that will examine "U.S.-Antidumping Administrative Reviews and Other Measures Related to Imports of Certain Orange Juice from Brazil" (DS382) regarding U.S. "zeroing" has been composed. (WTO document, dated 05/12/10, available at
The World Trade Organization has posted the proposed agenda for the May 18, 2010 meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body. Among other things, the DSB will discuss U.S. implementation in the Byrd Amendment dispute, various U.S. "zeroing" disputes, EC export subsidies on sugar, the status of the EC biotech dispute, etc. (WTO document, dated 05/12/10, available at
China Ministry of Commerce officials and experts are suggesting the nation's steel producers set up plants abroad to avoid a rising number of international trade barriers. The article notes that Wuhan Iron and Steel, China's third-biggest steelmaker, announced on April 19 it would team up with Brazil's LLX Logistica S.A. to build a steel plant there. (Notice, posted 05/12/10, available at