"Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions" is a daily International Trade Today compilation of the most relevant legislation, hearings, and actions by Congress involving international trade. The following are brief summaries of recent Capitol Hill actions:
On May 6, 2010, the Food and Drug Administration’s Deputy Commissioner for Foods Michael Taylor testified at a House Subcommittee1 hearing on “the Role and Performance of FDA in Ensuring Food Safety.”
Minutes from the March 9, 2010 through April 20, 2010 meetings of the COAC Trade Facilitation Subcommittee have recently been posted to CBP’s Web site. During these meetings, the Subcommittee addressed a number of trade facilitation issues, highlights of which include:
Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions is a daily International Trade Today compilation of the most relevant legislation, hearings, and actions by Congress involving international trade. The following are brief summaries of recent Capitol Hill actions:
On May 5, 2010, the Clean and Sustainable Transportation Coalition sent a letter to leaders of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Highways and Transit Subcommittee1 urging them to reject efforts to re-write the trucking rules in the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act.
On May 5, 2010, over 130 companies and trade associations (Toy Industry Association, American Iron and Steel Institute, Target, 3M, American Automotive Policy Council, etc.) signed a letter to the House Speaker and Minority Leader and the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman and Ranking Member urging immediate passage of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB, also referred to as the Miscellaneous Trade bill).
The Department of Homeland Security has posted a readout of remarks made by DHS Secretary Napolitano and Mexican Interior Secretary Gómez-Mont on May 4, 2010 on the ongoing ways that the U.S. and Mexico are working together to make the Southwest border region more secure and prosperous. (Press release, dated 05/04/10, available at http://www.dhs.gov/ynews/releases/pr_1273022087728.shtm)
"Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions" is a daily International Trade Today compilation of the most relevant legislation, hearings, and actions by Congress involving international trade. The following are brief summaries of recent Capitol Hill actions:
On May 5, 2010, the House passed the Haiti Economic Lift Program (HELP) Act (H.R. 5160). The Senate passed the same measure the next day, on May 6, 2010, clearing the bill for the President.
"Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions" is a daily International Trade Today compilation of the most relevant legislation, hearings, and actions by Congress involving international trade. The following are brief summaries of recent Capitol Hill actions: