On May 10, 2010, APHIS updated its Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Import PPQ Manual. The manual lists by country fruits and vegetables that are admissible into the United States. It includes a description of methods for sampling and inspecting selected fruits and vegetables. It also contains pictorial identification guides, and a glossary for common and scientific names of fruits and vegetables. (Manual, updated 05/10/10, available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/manuals/ports/downloads/fv.pdf)
On May 10, 2010, APHIS updated the Manual for Agricultural Clearance. The manual provides CBP personnel working at airport and maritime locations with the guidelines, directions, and policy for clearing carriers and passengers/crew and controlling garbage and cargo. (Manual, updated 05/10/10, available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/manuals/ports/mac.shtml)
On May 10, 2010, APHIS updated its Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) Animal Product Manual. This Manual provides the background, procedures, and regulatory actions to enforce the regulations governing the import and export of animals, animal products, and animal by-products. (Manual, updated 05/10/10, available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/manuals/ports/apm.shtml)
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
FSIS has provided updated information for the export of U.S. meat and poultry to the following countries:
The Office of Foreign Assets Control is publishing the names of 19 individuals and 12 entities in Colombia whose property and interests in property have been blocked pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, effective May 6, 2010. (OFAC notice, FR Pub 05/13/10, available at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010-11428.pdf)
The Maritime Administration is hosting a briefing and question and answer call on behalf of the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee on May 12, 2010 to provide an update to the Industry in the Great Lakes Basin regarding the closure of the Little Calumet River below Thomas O'Brien Lock and Control works from May 21 to possibly May 27, 2010. (Notice, posted 05/11/10, available at http://www.marad.dot.gov/environment_safety_landing_page/Asian_Carp/Asian_Carp.htm)
The International Trade Administration announces ten open membership opportunities for representatives of U.S. industry to join the U.S. section of the the U.S.-Iraq Business Dialogue. Applications must be received no later than May 31, 2010. (ITA notice, FR Pub 05/13/10, available at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010-11471.pdf)
The Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada in cooperation with Step2 Company of Ohio have announced a voluntary recall of about 2.5 million units of Step2 Push Around and Whisper Ride Buggies due to risk of injury. (Release, dated 05/12/10, available at http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml10/10229.html)
The International Trade Administration is issuing a correction to the preliminary results of its antidumping duty administrative review of ball bearings and parts thereof from France (A-427-801) for the period May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009.