The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised version of the following Import Alert on the detention without physical examination of:
The FTZB has issued the following notices:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published notice of the following voluntary recall: has posted information on a number of Small Business Administration free online or text courses with titles such as Take Your Business Global, Technology 101: A Small Business Guide, and How to Prepare a Business Plan.(Notice, posted 05/18/10, available at
The International Trade Commission has issued Federal Register notice of its institution of Investigation No. 332-515, "Actual Effects of the Free Trade Agreements with Chile, Australia, and Singapore." Comments are due by July 15, 2010. ITC is expected to submit its report to USTR by December 13, 2010. (FR Pub 05/19/10, available at
The International Trade Administration has issued its preliminary results of the following antidumping duty administrative and new shipper reviews:
The International Trade Administration has issued the final results of its antidumping duty changed circumstances review of pressure sensitive plastic tape from Italy (A-475-059).
The State Department has issued a May 15, 2010 travel warning for Thailand regarding ongoing political demonstrations and unrest in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.
The Bureau of Industry and Security is presenting a webinar series (including a question and answer period) on May 24-28, 2010 on U.S. export controls found in the Export Administration Regulations. The cost for each of the nine webinars is $50 per participant.
The Federal Railroad Administration has announced the dates and locations of public outreach meetings to solicit input for the development of the first National Rail Plan. A final version of the plan is scheduled to be released by September 15, 2010.