FSIS has issued the following notice:
FSIS has provided updated information for the export of U.S. meat and poultry to the following country:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published notice of the following voluntary recalls:
The Bureau of Industry and Security has submitted a final rule to the Office of Management and Budget for its approval, that would revise the Commerce Control List to update and clarify certain items that indicate "crime control" as a reason for control.
The Foreign Agricultural Service has released a new U.S. Agricultural Trade Outlook Forecast for fiscal year 2010, which found that U.S. farmers, ranchers and producers are poised to achieve $104.5 billion in sales -- an $8 billion increase over last year and the second highest level in history.
On May 27, 2010, APHIS updated its Postentry Quarantine PPQ Manual for State Inspectors. This manual covers procedures for conducting PEQ tasks beginning with the request to approve a growing site and ending with the release or refusal of the plant material.
On May 27, 2010, APHIS updated its Miscellaneous and Processed Products PPQ Manual. The manual is used for regulating imported items that are processed and are not intended for propagation.
On May 26, 2010, APHIS updated its Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Import PPQ Manual. The manual lists by country fruits and vegetables that are admissible into the United States. It includes a description of methods for sampling and inspecting selected fruits and vegetables. It also contains pictorial identification guides, and a glossary for common and scientific names of fruits and vegetables.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology posts drafts and changes to foreign technical regulations for manufactured products which may be considered technical barriers to trade and are therefore required to be reported to the World Trade Organization, which distributes the information to WTO Member countries.
The International Trade Administration has amended its preliminary countervailing duty determination on certain coated paper suitable for high-quality print graphics using sheet-fed presses from China (C-570-959).