The International Trade Administration is seeking comments by about May 21, 2012, on an application for an Export Trade Certificate of Review from SunWest Foods, Inc. SunWest Milling Company, Inc. is to be a member that will also be covered by and receive the protections from the proposed Certificate. SunWest plans to export rice and rice products to all parts of the world except the U.S. An Export Trade Certificate of Review protects the holder and the members identified in the Certificate from state and federal government antitrust actions and from private, treble damage antitrust actions for the export conduct specified in the Certificate and carried out in compliance with its terms and conditions.
The Foreign Trade Zones Board released a list of FTZ grantees which have not submitted their mandatory 2011 annual report on zone operations, which was due on March 31, 2012. The FTZB said any grantee that has not yet submitted its 2011 report should do so as soon as possible to minimize the risk of fines or other adverse action, and that it cannot process any requests from those grantees until their 2011 reports are submitted. The FTZB’s list of grantees which have not submitted the 2011 report is as follows:
The Foreign Trade Zones Board is issuing the following notices for April 30, 2012: