The Foreign Trade Zones Board is issuing the following notices for May 23, 2012:
Aquarium tropical fish imports to the U.S. are often misreported, according to a new NOAA-funded study. The study found 1,802 species imported, or 22 percent higher biodiversity than previously estimated. But the more than 11 million fish imported from 40 countries was less than previously reported because many freshwater fish and marine invertebrates were being mistakenly counted as marine fish, it said. It also said more than half of government importation forms during that time had numerical or other reporting discrepancies, resulting in a 27 percent overestimation of trade volume.
The President’s Export Council will hold an open meeting on June 6, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. to discuss topics and provide recommendations related to the National Export Initiative and export promotion. The meeting will be available via live webcast on the internet at The public is invited to submit written statements to the President's Export Council by close of business on May 25.
The Foreign Trade Zones Board is issuing the following notices for May 16, 2012:
The International Trade Administration joined leaders from 11 American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams) in Latin America to announce new partnerships under the ITA’s Global Buyers Initiative. Formal memorandums of understanding were signed during a ceremony at the annual Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA) Conference. According to the ITA, through the Global Buyers Initiative a U.S. company identifies potential buyers of U.S. goods and services, and then refers them to the ITA's commercial posts overseas, where ITA staff works to connect the buyers with American companies who can meet their needs. The ITA said the pilot program has been a success, so it's expanding it through this agreement.
The Foreign Trade Zones Board is issuing the following notices for May 15, 2012:
The International Trade Administration announced an open teleconference meeting of the Manufacturing Council on May 22 in Washington, DC. The ITA said the Council will likely deliberate recommendations regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement negotiations and energy policy. To be considered during the meeting, comments are due by May 16, 2012.
"The vast majority of the American solar industry opposes" the SolarWorld campaign to impose antidumping and countervailing duties on imported Chinese solar cells, said Jigar Shah, president of the Coalition for Affordable Solar Energy in a press statement. The coalition said it's awaiting the International Trade Administration's decision on the tariffs.
The Foreign Trade Zones Board is issuing the following notices for May 14, 2012:
Related-party trade accounted for 40.5% of total goods trade in 2011, according to a report by the Census Bureau, an absolute increase of 14.6% but a relative decrease from 40.8% to 40.5% as a percentage of total trade. Census said related-party trade accounted for about 48.3% of consumption imports and about 28.9% of total exports. Related-party trade includes trade by U.S. companies with their subsidiaries abroad as well as trade by U.S. subsidiaries of foreign companies with their parent companies.Computer and electronic products, transportation equipment, and chemicals were the top three goods categories for both directions of trade.