The Foreign Trade Zones Board issued the following notices for Dec. 7:
The Foreign Trade Zones Board issued the following notices for Dec. 6:
The International Trade Administration is accepting until Dec. 31 requests for participation in the U.S. Environmental Toolkit, which provides information to foreign consumers on solving environmental problems, as well as a catalogue of U.S. producers of green technologies. It also provides exporters with access to services, including market research; export counseling; and financing, the ITA said. The ITA is requesting input from U.S. businesses capable of exporting goods or services relevant to nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from power plants (here); emissions control from non-road diesel engines (here); and reducing air pollution from oil and natural gas production and processing (here).
The International Trade Administration and the European Commission Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (DGE) announced a joint initiative to better support and promote transatlantic trade among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the ITA said. The two agencies signed a Memorandum of Understanding Dec. 3 which formalizes efforts between ITA and DGE to collaborate on a wide range of trade promotion, information sharing, and policy initiatives that will facilitate the ability of SMEs to access EU, U.S., and third-country markets, it said.
The International Trade Administration will lead a transportation infrastructure sector trade mission to Colombia and Panama May 13-16, 2013. The mission will include business-to-business matchmaking appointments with local companies, as well as market briefings, and networking events, and will focus on the following sectors: building products, construction equipment, electrical power systems, safety and security equipment, airport supplies, logistics and distribution solutions providers, port equipment, and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Recruitment for the mission will begin immediately and conclude by Feb. 15. Fifteen to seventeen companies will be selected to participate.
The International Trade Administration will lead a May 2013 trade mission to the Trade Winds-Asia business forum in Seoul, Korea. Participants may also choose to participate in stops in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan before and after the forum. Each trade mission stop will include one-on-one business appointments with pre-screened potential buyers, agents, distributors and joint-venture partners, and networking events. Trade mission participants electing to participate in the Trade Winds-Asia business forum may attend regional and industry-specific sessions and consultations with CS Senior Commercial Officers based in Asia, the ITA said. Recruitment for the mission will begin immediately and conclude by March 30. The ITA will review applications and make selection decisions on a rolling basis beginning Dec. 17, until the maximum of 65 participants is selected.
The Foreign Trade Zones Board issued the following notices for Nov. 29:
The Foreign Trade Zones Board issued the following notices for Nov. 28:
The Foreign Trade Zones Board issued the following notices for Nov. 26:
The Foreign Trade Zones Board issued the following notices for Nov. 23: