The Export-Import Bank is seeking comments on an application for $650 million in financial aid to support the export of $522 million worth of mining equipment to Australia. The repayment term of the financial aid -- in the form of a long-term guarantee or direct loan -- is 8.5 years. The exports will allow the Australian mining company to produce a maximum capacity of 55 million metric tons of iron ore each year, to be consumed in Asian markets. Those wishing to submit comment can email
The Bureau of Industry and Security will hold a webinar May 29 at 2:30 p.m. on certain provisions of the final rules on initial implementation of export control reform. The webinar will take the place of the normal Wednesday teleconference held by Assistant Secretary Kevin Wolf. Topics will include new provisions with respect to de minimis and the foreign direct product rule under the Export Administration Regulations, which will become effective October 15, 2013. BIS is charging $35 for the webinar. Register (here).
The Bureau of Industry and Security posted two new decision tools for use by exporters in understanding the Export Administration Regulations. One decision tool covers the new “specially designed” definition (here) adopted as part of BIS’ final rule on initial implementation of export control reform. The other assists exporters in applying the Commerce Control List order of review (here). Both tools are effective for exports beginning Oct. 15.
The Energy Department authorized exports of liquefied natural gas to non-free trade agreement countries from a Texas terminal owned by Freeport LNG Expansion on May 17. Pending environmental review and final regulatory approval, Freeport will export up to 1.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas a day for 20 years from its facility in Quintana Island, Texas. Freeport is the second company to gain Department of Energy approval to export LNG to non-FTA countries; energy associations and some House members have pushed for the Department to approve such applications more quickly (see 13042614). The U.S. Chamber of Commerce commended the authorization, saying it represents an “important next step in the recognition that America is well positioned to be a global energy leader,” (here).
The Export-Import Bank approved an approximately $500 million direct loan to finance the development of a copper, gold and silver mine in Mongolia, the Bank announced May 16. Upon completion, the open pit and underground Oyu Tolgoi mine will generate about 30 percent of Mongolia’s GDP, the Bank said. The mine is operated by Oyu Tolgoi, jointly owned by Turquoise Hill Resources of Canada and Erdenes Oyu Tolgoi of Mongolia. Rio Tinto, a major global mining company, also holds a majority stake in Turquoise Hill. The loan will support about 2,000 U.S. jobs, Ex-Im said.
The Census Bureau sent out AES Broadcast 2013040 as part of a series of monthly educational broadcast messages on fatal errors in the Automated Export System. This month Census is highlighting AES error codes 133 (Port of Export Must Be An Air Port) and 623 (2nd Unit of Measure Code / Schedule B/HTS Mismatch). The broadcast covers the reasons for these error messages and how to resolve them, as follows:
The President’s Export Council Subcommittee on Export Administration will hold a public meeting June 4 at the Boeing Defense, Space and Security, Space and Intelligence Systems building in El Segundo, California at 9:30 a.m. PDT. The meeting will also be available via video teleconference at the Herbert Hoover Building in Washington, D.C. at 12:30 p.m. EDT. The Subcommittee provides advice on portions of the Export Administration Act that deal with encouraging trade, as well as controlling trade for national security or foreign policy reasons.
The Office of Management and Budget approved three proposed rules marking upcoming Export Control Reform moves on May 17. The Bureau of Industry and Security's proposed rules cover revisions to the Export Administration Regulations of the following items that no longer warrant U.S. Munitions List control:
The Export-Import Bank advisory committee plans an open meeting May 29 from 11 a.m. -3 p.m. at the Bank’s offices in Washington D.C. The agenda includes briefings and discussions on the Bank’s business review, 2012 draft competitiveness report and economic impact policy update. Members of the public who wish to attend or file written statements should contact Niki Shepperd at 202-565-3202 by May 28.
The Colombia Snake River port of export name in the Automated Export System will now be known as Portland, OR. The Census Bureau announced the change in a May 13 AES broadcast. All AESPcLInk users should updated their AES code tables to reflect the new name. AESDirect users who file via the AESDirect website will have their code tables updated automatically.