The Treasury Department is issuing a current list of countries that require or may require participation in, or cooperation with, an international boycott. The list includes Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, unchanged from the previous iteration of the list (see 1801050015)
The Office of Foreign Assets Control issued the "the largest North Korea-related sanctions tranche to date," the Treasury Department said in a Feb. 23 news release. The sanctions are "aimed at disrupting North Korean shipping and trading companies and vessels to further isolate the regime and advance the U.S. maximum pressure campaign," it said. The action "targets one individual, 27 entities, and 28 vessels located, registered, or flagged in North Korea, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Marshall Islands, Tanzania, Panama, and Comoros. " Concurrently, Treasury, the State Department and the U.S. Coast Guard issued an advisory "alerting the public to the significant sanctions risks to those continuing to enable shipments of goods to and from North Korea," the release said.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned four Congolese men Feb. 5, freezing their U.S. assets and adding them to the Specially Designated Nationals List. The action came a few days after the United Nations Security Council sanctioned them -- militia leaders Gedeon Kyungu Mutanga, Guidon Shimiray Mwissa, Lucien Nzabamwita and Brigadier General Muhindo Akili Mundos. The Treasury Department said all four are responsible for human rights violations and prolonging the country's civil war.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control has added four individuals and four entities to its Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list under transnational criminal organization designations, and another 21 individuals and 21 entities under Ukraine sanctions designations, including 12 entities subject to sectoral sanctions, OFAC said in two notices.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control has added six individuals to its Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list, under terrorism sanctions designations, OFAC said in a notice.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control on Jan. 24 added a bevy of new people, companies and ships to the Specially Designated Nationals List for trading with North Korea and aiding its weapons of mass destruction and other illicit programs, the Treasury Department said in a press release. The newly listed companies include a North Korean defense contractor and a number of North Korean shipping companies and vessels. Also among the additions were two Chinese trading companies -- Beijing Chengxing Trading Co., Ltd. and China Dandong Kumsang Trade Co., Ltd. -- each of which purportedly conducted trade with North Korea defense companies, OFAC said. China Dandong Kumsang also goes by the names Dandong Jinxiang Trade Co., Ltd.; Dandong Metal Company; and Jinxiang Trading Company, according to a listing of recent additions to the SDN list.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control removed one individual from its Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list, and updated one existing individual, under narcotics kingpin designations, OFAC said.
The Treasury Department is issuing a current list of countries that require or may require participation in, or cooperation with, an international boycott. The list includes Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, unchanged from the previous iteration of the list (see 1708010015)
The Office of Foreign Assets Control has added four individuals and three entities to its Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list, under transnational criminal organization (TCO) designations, OFAC said. OFAC also updated six other TCO entries for individuals. In a separate action, OFAC removed five individuals and three entities from TCO designations on the SDN list, the agency said. In yet another action, OFAC added two individuals to the SDN list under North Korea designations, OFAC said.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control has added 20 individuals and 37 entities to its Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list, under Magnitsky designations, OFAC said (here and here).