The Office of Foreign Assets Control made changes to its Specially Designated Nationals list, removing Kingpin Act and Zimbabwe designations, and updating Burundi and counter-terrorism designations (here).
OFAC on Feb. 4 issued a finding of violation to a Middle East subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson for violating Sudanese sanctions regulations, it said (here). According to OFAC, Johnson & Johnson (Middle East) Inc. in 2010 broke the regulations when it coordinated and supervised shipments of goods from Johnson and Johnson (Egypt) S.A.E. to Khartoum, Sudan. Before August 2010, Johnson & Johnson (Middle East)’s general manager for emerging markets, Middle East and North Africa, was “unfamiliar” with U.S. sanctions and wasn’t trained on compliance with OFAC regulations, OFAC said. The office did not assess any civil penalties for Johnson & Johnson, OFAC said (here).
The Office of Foreign Assets Control made several additions to its Specially Designated Nationals list on Feb. 1, OFAC said (here).
The Office of Foreign Assets Control made several counter-terrorism additions to its Specially Designated Nationals list on Jan. 28, OFAC said (here).
The Office of Foreign Assets Control made several counter-terrorism additions to its Specially Designated Nationals list on Jan. 17, OFAC said (here).
The Office of Foreign Assets Control is adding a general license under Iran sanctions regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 560, relating to importation of Iranian-origin carpets and foodstuffs, to become effective Jan. 21, OFAC said (here). The P5+1 and Iran on Jan. 16 reached “Implementation Day” for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, setting in motion a rollback of several sanctions on Tehran.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control on Jan. 17 designated 11 entities and individuals involved in procurement on behalf of Iran’s ballistic missile program, the office said in a press release (here). The news comes one day after Secretary of State John Kerry announced implementation of the unrelated Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which initiated a rollback of several U.S. nuclear sanctions on Tehran. “Iran’s ballistic missile program poses a significant threat to regional and global security, and it will continue to be subject to international sanctions,” said Adam Szubin, Treasury’s acting under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence. “We have consistently made clear that the United States will vigorously press sanctions against Iranian activities outside of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action." Obama administration officials have recently said that they were looking into reports that Iran conducted a ballistic missile test on Oct. 10 and another on Nov. 21.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control made several counter-terrorism additions, counter-narcotics deletions, and changes, to its Specially Designated Nationals list on Jan. 7 (here).
Treasury’s Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is seeking to collect information to verify claims for drawback of the federal excise tax for items--"generally nonbeverage products"--brought into the U.S. mainland from Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands (here). Treasury will submit the information request to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control is issuing regulations (here) to implement sanctions against cyber criminals as laid out in Executive Order 13694 (here) announced on April 1. The sanctions are aimed at blocking the property of people “engaging in significant malicious cyber-enabled activities.”