The Consumer Product Safety Commission published notice of the following voluntary recalls on May 5, 2011:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced a closed meeting on May 11, 2011, in which the staff will brief the Commission on various compliance matters.
The Office of Textiles and Apparel has announced that on April 8, 2011, Turkish Customs began implementing a temporary safeguard measure on certain imported travel goods, handbags, and “similar containers” in the form of a temporary additional import tariff of $2.70/kg (max $4.25/ea) for 200 days. This temporary measure essentially extends a previous safeguard measure on travel goods, which had been in place since 2008 and had expired on April 8, 2011.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has updated its list of meetings between CPSC and its stakeholders that are open to the public, unless otherwise stated:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission published notice of the following voluntary recalls on May 3, 2011:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has posted its 2010 Annual Report to the President and Congress on its 2010 activities. The report includes information and statistics on its 2010 monitoring and identification of hazards, work on safety standards, compliance and enforcement, public outreach, and intergovernmental coordination.
The Office of Textiles and Apparel announces a free webinar on May 25, 2011 on trade preferences for apparel wholly manufactured or knit-to-shape in Haiti. The webinar will feature background on the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2006 (HOPE), the Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 (HOPE II) and the Haiti Economic Lift Program of 2010 (HELP), as well as a question and answer session for webinar participants. Advance registration is required, and is available here.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has updated its list of meetings between CPSC and its stakeholders that are open to the public, unless otherwise stated:
Over the past year, four more states, Massachusetts, Maine, New York and Vermont, have enacted legislation to ban Bisphenol A (BPA) in various products such as baby bottles and reusable food and beverage containers. They join the five states of Washington, Connecticut, Maryland, Minnesota and Wisconsin, which had already banned BPA in certain products and were covered in a March 2010 ITT notice.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission published notice of the following voluntary recalls on April 26, 2011: