The Consumer Product Safety Commission will require manufacturers (or importers) of six additional durable infant and toddler products manufactured on or after December 29, 2010 to provide a consumer registration form with each such product and meet certain marking and recordkeeping requirements.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has updated its list of meetings between CPSC and industry stakeholders that are open to the public, unless otherwise stated:
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a meeting on December 8, 2010 to discuss a draft final rule to establish new mandatory consumer product safety standards for full-size and non-full-size baby cribs, as required by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA). The Commission will also consider a draft final rule to revoke CPSC's current crib regulations at 16 CFR Parts 1508 and 1509.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has posted to its website the final rule approved during its November 24, 2010 Commission meeting to establish a publicly available, searchable database on the safety of consumer products, and other products or substances regulated by CPSC. (See ITT's Online Archives or 11/29/10 news, 10112933, for BP summary of the vote and the major differences from the draft final rule.)
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published notice of the following voluntary recall:
The Food and Drug Administration is announcing a public workshop entitled “Food Labeling Workshop,” which is intended to provide information about FDA food labeling regulations and other related subjects to the regulated industry, particularly small businesses and startups. The workshop will be held on March 3 and 4, 2011 in Ames, IA.
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a notice announcing that the Food Advisory Committee will hold an open meeting regarding children’s consumption of synthetic color additives in food and adverse effects on behavior.