The Consumer Product Safety Commission has extended, by 60 days, the date by which manufacturers (including importers) of youth all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) must submit sufficient samples of such products to a CPSC-approved third-party lab for testing and, based on such testing, issue a certificate that the products manufactured after the deadline comply with 16 CFR Part 14201, the CPSC ATV regulations.
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published notice of the following voluntary recalls:
The Food and Drug Administration is publishing its annual guidance document agenda to seek public comment on possible topics for future guidance document development or revisions of existing ones. Among other things, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research requests comments on Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs)/compliance regarding the importation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) for use in human drugs and Pre-Launch Activities Importation Requests (PLAIR); and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition requests comments on its guidance regarding the safety of imported traditional pottery Intended for use with food and the improper use of the terms ‘‘lead free,’’ and the proper identification of ornamental and decorative ware. Comments may be submitted at any time.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published in the Federal Register its provisionally accepted settlement agreement with Winter Bee, Inc., a domestic apparel manufacturer, for drawstring violations in children's upper outerwear and for knowing failure to immediately inform CPSC of the violations as required by statute. The agreement contains a civil penalty of $200,000.00, but CPSC has determined that due to its size and financial condition, the firm will only have to pay $40K of it. Comments are due December 23, 2010. (See ITT's Online Archives or 12/03/10 news, 10120329, for BP summary of a CPSC press release announcing the settlement.)
During a December 2, 2010 Senate hearing1 on consumer product safety issues, Consumer Product Safety Commission Chairman Tenenbaum discussed some of the agency’s current and future work with emerging hazards as follows:
Commissioner Nord of the Consumer Product Safety Commission has posted a November 23, 2010 letter from Representative Barton (R), Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, to CPSC's Chairman Tenenbaum. The letter states that the agency's final rule to establish a publicly available and searchable database of consumer product safety incidents runs contrary to Congressional intent in several respects, including an overly broad interpretation of who may submit incident reports.
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published notice of the following voluntary recalls:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced on December 3, 2010 that Winter Bee Inc. of Los Angeles, Calif., has agreed to a civil penalty of $200,000 for failing to report drawstring violations in 80,000 children's hooded sweatshirts. However, under the penalty settlement, which has been provisionally accepted by CPSC, Winter Bee must only pay $40,000 of the $200,000 penalty as it has demonstrated an inability to pay the full amount. Commissioner Nord's issued statement on the penalty being inappropriate given the small size of the firm.